Hand in 2 copies of your assigment during the opening hours of Front Office, Henrik Wergelands Hus (12.30-15.00). You must also hand in an obligatory statement concerning cheating. You can find it here
And frontpage for your assignment you can find here
We are happy to invite you all to come to the Ibsencentre and meet our guests - Ibsen students - from Troms? University, 26 November at 10.15, in HW Room 210. The programme will be concentrated upon filmatization of Ibsen. Professor Frode Helland will give a short introduction to the Iranian film, Sara, based on A Doll's House. We will watch the film and discuss it afterwards. The film lasts for 1 hr 38 min. Refreshments will be served. You are welcome to our meeting at 10.15 on Wednesday!