Exact curriculum will be specified in September.
Suggested reading:
- The Transformative Power of Performance: at new aesthetics. by Erika Fischer Lichte, London 2008.
- Performance Analysis and Introductory Coursebook Edited by Colin Counsell & Laurie Wolf, London 2011.
- Performance. A Critical Introduction. By Marvin Carlson, New York 2003.
- Performance Theory. By Richard Schechner, London 2003.
- Global Ibsen. Performing Multiple Modernities. Edited by ErikaFischer-Lichte, Barbara Gronau and Christel Weiler, New York 2011.
- Ibsen. The Dramaturgy of Fear. By Michael Goldman, New York 1999.
- Ibsen's Lively Art. A Performance Study of the Major Plays. ByFrederick J. Marker & Lise-Lone Marker, Cambridge 2005.
- Theatre Audiences. A theory of Production & Reception. By SusanBennett, London 1997.
Other reference books (additional reading):
- Theory for Performanse Studies. A Student's Guide. By PhilipAuslander, Abingdon 2008.
- Theatre Theory Theatre. Edited by Daniel Gerould, New york 2000.
- Theory/Theatre. Introduction. By Mark Fortier, London 2002.
- By Means of Performance. Edited by Richard Schechner, Cambridge 1990.
- Philosophy of the Performing Arts. By David Davies
- Drama. Between Poetry and Performance. By W.B.Worthen, Chichester 2010.