
Ibsen, Henrik:

  • Terje Vigen
  • Love’s Comedy
  • Peer Gynt
  • Pillars of Society
  • A Doll’s House
  • Ghosts
  • Rosmersholm
  • Hedda Gabler
  • The Masterbuilder

The student may choose any modern translation available

Articles referred to below are from Compendium IBS 4101, parts 1 & 2, Ibsen's Oeuvre in biographical, aesthetic and historical perspective. Available at "Akademika", Blindern

Bentley, Eric: "Ibsen, Pro and Con" in In Search of Theatre, 1959. Vintage Books. Ch 6.

Brandes, Georg: "Henrik Ibsen. First Impression", in Henrik Ibsen. A Critical Study, 1977. Arno Press. pp 3 - 37.

Durbach, Errol: "Ibsen the Romantic" in Analogues of Paradise in the Later Plays, 1982. MacMillan Press Ltd. Ch 1 pp. 1-33.

Ewbank, Inga-Stina: "Shakespeare, Ibsen, and Rome. A Study in Cultural Transmission" in (ed) Kishi, T. Pringle, R.& Well, S. Shakespeare and cultural traditions: the selected proceedings of the International Shakespeare Association World Congress, Tokyo, 1935. ISBN:?0-87413-462-5.

Gosse, Edmund: "Ibsen's Social Dramas" in The Fortnightly Review, 1889. Chapmann & Hall. pp. 107-121.

Haakonsen, Daniel: ""The Play-Within-The-Play" in Ibsen's Realistic Drama", Ibsen-?rbok, 1970-71. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN:?0073-4365. pp.101-117.

James, Henry: "Henrik Ibsen. I: On the Occation of "Hedda Gabler" & II: On the Occation of "The Masterbuilder", in Essays in London and Elsewhere, 1893. pp. 241-264.

Johansen, J?rgen Dines: "Art is (Not) a Woman's Body. Art and Sexuality in Ibsen's "When We Dead Awaken"", in 7th International Ibsen Conference: proceedings, 1994. Senter for Ibsen-studier. pp. 18-47.

Johnston, Brian: "Brand. The Tragedy of Vocation", in To the Third Empire. Ibsen's Early Drama, 1980. University of Minensota Press. pp. 130-163.

Joyce, James: "Ibsen's New Drama", in (eds.) Mason, Ellsworth & Ellmann, Richard The Critical Writings of James Joyce, 1959. Faber & Faber. pp. 47-67.

Kittang, Atle : "The pretenders - Historical Vision or Psychological Tragedy, in Ibsen-?rbok, 1975. Universitetsforlaget. pp. 78-88.

Lyons, Charles R. : "Ibsen's Realism and the predicates of Modernism", in Contemporary Approaches to Ibsen, 1994. Universitetsforlaget. pp. 185-204.

Loewenthal, Leo: "Henrik Ibsen", in Literature and the Image of Man. Studies in the Europea Drama and Novel 1600 - 1900, 1966. Beacon Press. Ch 6, pp. 166-189.

McFarlane, James: "Years and Crisis", in Ibsen & Meaning. Studies, Essays & Prefaces 1953 - 87, 1989. Norvik Press. pp. 142-172.

Meyer, Michael: "Ibsen. A Biographical Approach", in (ed.) Durbach, Errol Ibsen and the Theatre. The Dramatist in Production, 1980. MacMillan Press. pp. 14-26.

Moi, Toril: "Ibsen's Anti-Theatrical Aesthetic: "Pillars of Society" and "The Wild Duck"", in (eds.) Bj?rby, P?l & Aarseth, Asbj?rn, Alvheim & Eide. pp. 29-47.

R?nning, helge: "Henrik Ibsen and Italian 19th Century Liberalism" in Ibsen and the Arts: Painting - Sculpture - Architecture: Ibsen Conference in Rome 2001, 24 - 27 October, 2002. Senter for Ibsen-studier. pp. 23-35.

Stanton-Ife, Anne Marie: Identity, Suicide and Tragedy in "Hedda Gabler", in (eds.) Bj?rby, P?l & Aarseth, Asbj?rn IX International Ibsen Conference. Proceedings, 2001. Alvheim & Eide. pp. 239-247.

Szondi, Peter: "Ibsen", in (ed.) Lyons, Charles Critical Essays on Henrik Ibsen, 1987. G.K. Hall & Co. pp. 106-111.

Williams, Raymond: "Henrik Ibsen", in Drama From Ibsen to Brecht, 1968. Chatto & Windus . pp. 25-74.

Ystad, Vigdis: "The Young Ibsen - Critic and Theatre Writer", in Contemporary Approaches to Ibsen, 1991. Universitetsforlaget. pp. 141-160.

Published Aug. 18, 2011 5:08 PM - Last modified Aug. 18, 2011 6:46 PM