Primary texts
“Miner” (1851). In Ibsen’s Poems, edited and translated by John Northam, 27–28. Oslo: Norwegian University Press.
The Pretenders (1863) (any edition)
Peer Gynt (1867), preferably in Brand and Peer Gynt, London: Penguin, 2016.
The Pillars of the Community (1877), preferably in A Doll’s House and other Plays, London: Penguin, 2016.
Ghosts (1881), preferably in A Doll’s House and other Plays, London: Penguin, 2016.
When we Dead Awaken (1899), preferably in in The Master Builder and other Plays, London: Penguin, 2016.
To William Archer, 3 November 1889 (284–285).
To Georg Brandes, 24 September 1871 (114–116), 4 April 1872 (120–123), 3 January 1882 (198–200).
To Moritz Prozor, 25 October 1889 (282–283), 23 January 1891 (300–301).
All letters are contained in Ibsen, Henrik. 1965. Letters and Speeches, edited by Evert Sprinchorn. Clinton, MA: MacGibbon & Kee.
Critical literature
Archer, William. 1972 (1891). “Ghosts and Gibberings”. In Henrik Ibsen. The Critical Heritage, edited by Michael Egan, 209–213. London and New York: Routledge.
Brandes, Georg. 1992 (1871). “Inaugural Lecture, 1871”. In The Theory of the Modern Stage. An Introduction to Modern Theatre and Drama, edited by Eric Bentley, 383–397. London: Penguin.
D’Amico, Giuliano. 2013. Domesticating Ibsen for Italy. Bari: Edizioni di Pagina, 131-166.
---. 2014. “Six Points for a Comparative Ibsen Reception History”. Ibsen Studies 14 (I): 4–37.
Dingstad, St?le. 2016. “Ibsen and the Modern Breakthrough - The Earliest Productions of the Pillars of Society, A Doll's House, and Ghosts”. Ibsen Studies 16 (II): 103-140.
Durbach, Errol. 2005. "'Without Wings': Existential Angels of Peer Gynt". Ibsen on the Cusp of the 21st Century. edited by P?l Bj?rby et. al. Alvheim & Eide Akademisk Forlag.
Ewbank, Inga-Stina. 1979. “Drama and Society in Ibsen's Pillars of the Community”. In Drama and Society, 75-97. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fuls?s, Narve. 2011. “Ibsen Misrepresented: Canonization, Oblivion, and the Need for History”. Ibsen Studies 11 (I): 3–20.
Gibson Cima, Gay. 1983. “Discovering Signs: The Emergence of the Critical Actor in Ibsen” in Theatre Journal Vol. 35, No. 1, Aporia: Revision, Representation and Intertextual Theatre. (March), 5-22
Hammer, Espen. 2009. “The Question of Selfhood in Ibsen’s Peer Gynt”. Ibsen Studies 9 (I): 34–49.
Hoel, Ane. 2000. “The role of women in Henrik Ibsen's The pretenders : an anaysis of the forces of destruction and healing”. Ibsen Studies 1 (I): 68–78.
Hemmer, Bj?rn. 1994. “Ibsen and the Realistic Problem Drama”. In The Cambridge Companion to Ibsen, edited by James McFarlane, 68–88. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hyldig, Keld. 2015 “Ibsen, Bj?rnson and the Art of Acting”, Nordlit 34, 287-302.
Kittang, Atle. 1977. “The Pretenders - historical vision or psychological tragedy?” Ibsen-?rbok 1975-76: 78-88.
Ledger, Sally. 2007. “Naturalism: ?Dirt and Horror Pure and Simple?”. In Adventures in Realism, edited by Matthew Beaumont, 68–83. Malden: Blackwell.
McFarlane, James. 1965-66. “Meaning and Evidence in Ibsen's Drama”. Ibsen-?rbok 8: 35-50.
Moi, Toril. 2006. “The Idealist Straightjacket: Ibsen’s Early Aesthetics”. In Henrik Ibsen and the Birth of Modernism, 145–187. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Moretti, Franco. 2013. “Ibsen and the Spirit of Capitalism” In Franco Moretti, The Bourgeois, 169-187. London: Verso.
Northam, John. 1994. "Dramatic and non-dramatic poetry". The Cambridge Companion to Ibsen. Cambridge University Press.
Nygaard, Jon. 2014. “The Wilder the Starting Point: Some Critical Remarks to Michael Meyer’s Ibsen: A Biography”. Scandinavian Studies 86 (I): 72–97.
Paul, Fritz. 1997. “Metaphysical Landscapes in Ibsen's Late Plays” In Contemporary Approaches to Ibsen, 19-33. Oslo : Scandinavian University Press.
Rees, Ellen. 2007. "Gyntian Simulacra: Twenty-first-Century Appropriations of 'Peer Gynt'". Scandinavian Studies, Vol.79, No.4.
Rem, Tore. 2004. “?The Provincial of Provincials?: Ibsen’s Strangeness and the Process of Canonisation”. Ibsen Studies 4 (II): 205–226.
Stanislavski, Konstantin and Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood. 1964. ‘Director's Diary, 1905: The MAT Production of Ibsen's "Ghosts"’, The Tulane Drama Review, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Autumn), 26-41
W?rp, Lisbeth P. 2005. “Mise-en-abyme in Ibsen's When We Dead Awaken”. In Ibsen on the cusp of the 21st century, ed. P?l Bj?rby, Alvhild Dvergsdal, Idar Stegane, 231-242. Bergen: Alvheim & Eide.
Aarseth, Asbj?rn. 2014. “The Gyntian Self”. In Ibsen and the Modern Self, edited by Kwok-kan Tam et al., 17–30. Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong Press.
Suggested background reading
Meyer, Michael. 1971. Ibsen. A Biography. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Janet Garton’s, Toril Moi’s and Tore Rem’s introductions in the respective New Penguin Ibsen editions.