Welcome to ANT1100! (Please read this carefully!)

Dear students,

Welcome to ANT1100!

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no face-to-face lectures or seminars for ANT1100 in fall 2020.

In order to make your learning experience as productive and pleasant as possible, this is how we will proceed:

  • Each week, two or three mini-lectures will be uploaded to Canvas. These videos will guide you through some of the main subjects discussed in the handbook and enable you to digest and process the rich information it offers. You can look at them whenever and wherever you want!
  • In the time slots originally reserved for the lectures (Tuesday 14:00-16:00), there will be live question and answer-meetings (14:00) and, depending on the week, small text seminars (15:00) (both via Zoom). Please see the teaching plan on Canvas to find out when Q&A-meetings and text seminars will take place. You'll find the required Zoom link below.
    • The Q&A-meetings give you the opportunity to ask questions about the handbook and/or practical issues relating to the course. In order to make these sessions as useful for you as possible, please send me your questions before each Tuesday a Q&A-meeting will take place (this requirement does not apply to our first Q&A-meeting on 18 August).
    • The text seminars are intended to introduce you to some major writers of antiquity and important genres of Greek and Latin literature. The selected texts relate to subjects also discussed in the handbook. In the seminars, I will provide you with some background about the author and the text’s historical context, and we will discuss how the source under study illustrates or complicates what we have seen in the handbook. All texts are available online (all of them in English, some of them also in Norwegian translations).

The Q&A meetings and text seminars are not obligatory but it is highly recommended that your participate. More detailed information about the course, including introduction videos about the subject and the learning plan (including information about the assignments and final exam), is available on Canvas.

The sooner you start reading the handbook the better!

This is the link you'll need to enter the Zoom room:


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask (gjerne ogs? p? norsk!).

All the very best,

Han Lamers

Published Aug. 15, 2020 9:20 PM - Last modified Aug. 15, 2020 9:21 PM