
Pensum for spr?kdelen

Vibeke Roggen: Jo visst kan du gresk og latin! Oslo: Pax 2012 (eller 2010)

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Pensum for kulturdelen

1. Introduction: Classical Reception Studies and the Classical Tradition (p? Canvas)

  • Skoie, Mathilde. “Hva er antikkresepsjon? Introduksjon til et forskningsfelt” fra M. Skoie og G. Vestrheim (red.), Antikken i ettertiden (Universitetsforlaget 2009) ss. 11–31.
  • Martindale, Charles. “Reception”, fra C. Kallendorf (red.). A Companion to the Classical Tradition (Blackwell 2007) ss. 297–311.
  • Budelmann, Felix og Johannes Haubold. “Reception and Tradition” fra Lorna Hardwick og Christopher Stray (red.), A Companion to Classical Receptions (Blackwell 2008) ss. 13–25.
  • Silk, Michael, Ingo Gildenhard, and R. J. Barrow. “The Classical Tradition”, “Mapping the Field” og “Modes of Engagement” fra The Classical Tradition: Art, Literature, Thought (Wiley-Blackwell 2014) ss. 3–14 og 166–172.

2. Survey Lecture I: Transmission, Scholarship, and Reception of the Classics in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (p? Akademika)

  • Hunt, Jeffrey M., R. Alden Smith og Fabio Stok. “Classical Reception from Antiquity to the Middle Ages” (kapittel 3) fra Classics: From Papyrus to the Internet. An Introduction to Transmission and Reception (University of Texas Press 2017) ss. 85–148.

3. Survey Lecture II: Transmission, Scholarship, and Reception of the Classics in Early Modern Europe (p? Akademika)

  • Hunt, Jeffrey M., R. Alden Smith og Fabio Stok. “Classics and Humanists” (kapittel 4) og “Classical Texts in the Age of Printing” (kapittel 5), fra Classics: From Papyrus to the Internet. An Introduction to Transmission and Reception (University of Texas Press 2017) ss. 149–220.

4. Case Study I: Virgil as a Prophet of Christ : The Fourth Eclogue and Its Reception (p? Canvas)

  • Virgil, Eclogues 4.
  • Thomas, Richard F. og Jan M. Ziolkowski (red.). “Eclogues”, “Eclogues, reception of” og “Messianism” fra The Virgil Encylopedia (Wiley-Blackwell 2014) I ss. 395–403 og II s. 817.
  • Kallendorf, Craig. “The Baptism of Virgil?” og “Virgil in the Service of the Church” fra The Protean Virgil: Material Form and the Reception of the Classics (Oxford University Press 2015) ss. 48–58 og 69–79.
  • Ziolkowski, Jan M. og Michael C. J. Putnam. “Virgil’s Texts and Their Uses: Eclogues 4” fra The Virgilian Tradition: The First Fifteen Hundred Years (Yale University Press 2008) ss. 487–503.
  • Houghton, L. B. T. “Maritime Maro: Virgil’s Fourth Eclogue in Renaissance Venice” fra Richard Hinter & S. P. Oakley (red.), Latin Literature and its Transmission (Cambridge University Press 2016) ss. 171–193.

5. Case Study II: Virgil in the Opera: Classical Reception and Opera (guest lecture by Prof. Mathilde Skoie) (p? Canvas)

  • Hardie, Philip. “La donna è mobile: Versions of Dido” fra The Last Trojan Hero: A Cultural History of Virgil’s Aeneid (I. B. Tauris 2014) ss. 51–76.
  • Sandmo, Erling. “Orfeus og skyggene: antikken p? operascenen” fra M. Skoie og G. Vestrheim (red.), Antikken i ettertiden (Universitetsforlaget 2009) ss. 109–127.

6. Case Study III: Virgil’s Language in Mussolini’s Italy: The Uses of Latin under Fascism (p? Canvas)

  • Roche, Helen. “Distant Models? Italian Fascism, National Socialism, and the Lure of the Classics” fra H. Roche og Kyriakos Demetriou (red.), Brill’s Companion to the Classics, Fascist Italy, and Nazi Germany (Brill 2017) ss. 3–17.
  • Stone, Marla. “A Flexible Rome: Fascism and the Cult of romanità” fra C. Edwards (red.), Roman Presences: Receptions of Rome in European Culture, 1798-1945 (Cambridge University Press 1999) ss. 205–220.
  • Lamers, Han, og Bettina Reitz-Joosse. “Lingua Lictoria: The Latin Literature of Italian Fascism”. Classical Receptions Journal, nr. 8.2 (2016) ss. 216–246.
  • Lamers, Han, og Bettina Reitz-Joosse. The Codex Fori Mussolini: A Latin Text of Italian Fascism (Bloomsbury, 2016 eller 2017) ss. 84–95.








Publisert 12. okt. 2018 11:41 - Sist endret 6. feb. 2019 16:23