Platon: Euthyfron, Menon, Staten IV 427d–445e, V 471c–VII, X 595a–608b (i GP)
Aristoteles: Categoriae 1–5, De interpretatione 1–4, Topica I 1–2, 5, Analytica posteriora I 1–2, II 8–10, 19 Physica I 1, II, De anima I 1, II 1–2, (i GP)
Augustin: De magistro (i K)
Thomas Aquinas: Summa theologiae Ia Q12 og Q13 (i K)
Descartes: Meditationes, Objections and Replies II, III og IV (i MP)
Hume: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Sect. I–IX, A Treatise of Human Nature Book I Part 4 Section 6 (i MP)
Kant: Kritik der reinen Vernunft t.o.m. B169 og "Second Analogy" B 232-B 256 (alt i MP)
I tillegg er alle innf?ringer av redakt?rene i GP og MP pensum.
GP= Cohen, Curd og Reeve: Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy: From Thales to Aristotle Sources
MP= Ariew and Watkins: Modern Philosophy: An Anthology of Primary Sources (Hackett 1998)
K= Kompendium (tekstene av Augustin og Thomas).
F?lg kopiutsalget p? twitter for beskjed om n?r kompendiet er ferdig.
Husk studentbevis ved kj?p av kompendier.
Cooper, J.M.: "Socrates", Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (
Frede, D.: “Plato on what the body’s eye tells the mind’s eye”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. 99 No. 2 (1999), 191–209
Heinaman, R. “Plato: Metaphysics and epistemology”, in C.C.W. Taylor (ed.), Routledge History of Philosophy: Vol. 1. From the Beginning to Plato, London 1997, ch. 10
Irwin, T.: Classical Thought, Oxford 1989 (ch. 6. on Socrates and ch. 7 on Plato)
Kraut, R.: “Plato”, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (
McCabe, M.M.: “Is dialectic as dialectic does? The virtue of philosophical conversation”, in B. Reis (ed.): The Virtuous Life in Greek Ethics, Cambridge 2006, 70–98
Pappas, N.: Plato and the Republic, London 2003 (2nd ed.) (chs. 2–5, 8)
Santas, G. (ed.): The Blackwell Guide to Plato’s Republic, Oxford 2006 (chs. 3, 4, 8, 9, 13)
Waterfield, R.: Plato. Gorgias, Oxford 1994. Introduction Plato. Republic, Oxford 1993. Introduction
Ackrill, J. L.: Aristotle the Philosopher, Oxford 1981
Barnes, Jonathan: Aristotle. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford 2000
Code, A.: “Aristotle’s logic and metaphysics”, in D. Furley (ed.), Routledge History of Philosophy: Vol. 2. From Aristotle to Augustine, London 1999, ch. 2
Irwin, Terence: Classical Thought, Oxford 1989, ch. 7 on Aristotle id.: “Aristotle” in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (
Lear, Jonathan: Aristotle. The Desire to Understand, Cambridge 1988
Shields, C.: Aristotle, London 2006 id.: “Aristotle”, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (
Burnyeat, M.F.: “Wittgenstein and Augustine De magistro”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Suppl. Vol. 61 (1987), 1–24
Matthews, G.B.: Augustine, Oxford 2004 id.: “Augustine” in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (
Mendelssohn, M.: “Augustine” in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (
O’Daly, G.: “Augustine”, in D. Furley (ed.), Routledge History of Philosophy: Vol. 2. From Aristotle to Augustine, London 1999, ch. 12
Thomas Aquinas
McInerny, R. and J. O’Callaghan: “Saint Thomas Aquinas”, in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (
Cottingham, J. (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Descartes, Cambridge 1992 (diverse kapitler)
Hatfield, G.: Descartes and the Meditations, London 2003 id.: “Descartes”, in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy(
Morris, W.E.: “Hume” in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy(
Norton, D.F. (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Hume, Cambridge 1993 (various chapters, esp. ch. 2)
Guyer, P. (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Kant, Cambridge 1992 (various chs.)
Rohlf, M.: “Kant” in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( (+ some other entries on Kant)
Wood, A.: Kant, Oxford 2005 (esp. ch. 1–5)
Wyller, T.: Objektivitet og jeg-bevissthet, Oslo 2000 (esp. part I)