
Pensum finnes i f?lgende b?ker:

Aestheticics. The Classic Rreadings. Ed. By David E. Cooper (Blackwell: Oxford, 1997). (Forkortet ACR)

The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics. Ed. by Berys Gaut og Dominic McIver Lopes (Routledge: London & New York, 2002) (Forkortet RCA)

Peter Kivy, Introduction to a Philosophy of Music

Ole Martin Skille?s, Philosophy and Literature (Universitetsforlaget: Oslo, 2001)

Stephen Davies, Definitions of Art

Steinar Mathisen, Skj?nnhet, tanke & kunst : kunstfilosofiske studier (Akribe: Oslo, 1999/2004) (Forkortet STK)

Kompendium til FIL2102. (Forkortet KOM)

Del I

Generelt 48 Alan Goldman ’The Aesthetic’ RCA 12 sider Jennifer Anne McMahon ’Beauty’ RCA 12 sider Paisley Livingston ’Narrative’ RCA 10 sider Roger Seamon ’Criticism’ RCA 14 sider Historie 356 Plato The Republic, Book 10 ACR 18 sider Aristotle Poetics, Chs 1-15 ACR 16 sider Hume ’Of the stadard of taste’ ACR 18 sider Mathisen Om forholdet mellom det skj?nne og det behagelige i Kants estetikk STK 22 sider Kant ’Critique of aestethic judgement’ §§ 1-14, 16, 23-4, 28 ACR 32 sider Schiller On the Aesthetic Education of Man, Letters 26-7 ACR 14 sider Mathisen Hegel og estetikken som kunstens filosofi STK 28 Hegel Introduction to Aesthetics, Chs 1-3 ACR 13 sider Schopenhauer The World as Will and Representation, Vol. I § 52 ACR 14 sider

Tolstoy ’On art’ ACR 13 sider Clive Bell ’The aesthetic hypothesis’ ACR 16 sider John Dewey Art as Experience, Chs 1-2 ACR 21 sider Heidegger The origin of the work of art ACR 15 sider R. G. Collingwood The Principles of Art, Ch 7 ACR 22 sider Monroe Beardsley Aesthetics. Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism, Ch Aesthetic objects KOM 50 sider Adorno ’Om kulturindustrien’ KOM 12 sider Richard Shusterman Pragmatist Aestethics, ’Form and funk: The aesthetic challenge of popular art’ KOM 32 sider 404 sider

Del II

Spesialisert estetikk Kunstfilosofi Morris Weitz ’The role of theory in aestethics’ KOM 10 sider George Dickie Art and Aestethics, ’What is art?: An institutional analysis’ KOM 34 sider Arthur C. Danto ’Introduction: Modern, Postmodern and Contemporary’ ’Three Decades after the End of Art’ KOM 36 sider Stephen Davies Definitions of Art Kpt 1, 2 og 4 80 sider 160 sider Musikkfilosofi Peter Kivy Introduction to a Philosophy of Music Hele boken unntatt Kpt.1, Kpt. 2, Kpt. 4, Kpt. 9, Kpt.12, Kpt. 13 154 sider Litteraturfilosofi Ole Martin Skille?s Philosophy and Literature. An Introduction 152 466 sider

Publisert 24. apr. 2006 19:58 - Sist endret 20. sep. 2006 17:35