

C.J Moya: The Philosophy of Action, 1990. Polity Press. Innf?ringsbok, 170 sider.

Anscombe: Intention, 1958. Blackwell’s. 88 sider.


M. Bratman: Two Faces of Intention, i Alfred Mele red., The Philosophy of Action (26s).

J. Broome. Practical Reasoning [PDF], Normative Practical Reasoning [PDF], ca. 40 sider.

D. Davidson: Action, Reasons and Causes, How is Weakness of the Will Possible, Agency, Freedom to Act, Intending, alle i Essays on Actions and Events, (103sider)

D. Davidson: Paradoxes of Irrationality, i Wollheim & Hopkins red., Philosophical Essays on Freud, (16s)

H. Frankfurt: The Problem of Action, i Alfred Mele red., The Philosophy of Action (10 s)

H. Frankfurt: Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person, 1971. G. Watson, (ed) Free Will, OUP, Oxford, 1982, p. 81-96..

H. Frankfurt, (1988) "Identification and Wholeheartedness", in Frankfurt, H. The Importance of What We Care About. CUP, Cambridge, 1988.

H. Frankfurt, H (1991) "The Faintest Passion". I Frankfurt, H, Necessity, Volition and Love. CUP, Cambridge 1999.

Hugh J. McCann: Trying, Paralysis, and Volition, i The Works of Agency, (16s)

Jaegwon Kim: Mechanism, Purpose, and Explanatory Exclusion, i Alfred Mele red., The Philosophy of Action (28s)

Derek Parfit. Reason and Motivation, Aristotelian Society, Suppl. Vol. LXXI, 1997, s. 99-130. (30s).

Peter Strawson, Freedom and resentment, in G. Watson (ed) Free Will, OUP, Oxford, 1982, p 59-81.

Gary Watson, (1975) "Free Agency", in G. Watson, (ed) Free Will, OUP, Oxford, 1982, p. 96-110.

B.A. Williams: Internal and External Reasons, i Moral Luck ( 13s)

Tilsammen ca. 660 sider

B?kene m? man kj?pe selv, og det anbefales at man ogs? kj?per Davidson samling Essays on Actions and Events og Watson samling om Free Will, eventuelt Meles samling om The Philosophy of Action. Alt utenom b?kene vil bli gjort tilgjengelig i masterkopier, slik at man selv kan kopiere pensum fortl?pende.

Publisert 10. mai 2005 11:33 - Sist endret 13. sep. 2005 14:13