
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
21.08.2007Edmund Henden? Seminarrom 14, P.A.Munchs hus? Hva er Handlingsfilosofi?. ? Moya: kap 1, Anscombe: Intention. ?
28.08.2007? ? Praktisk kunnskap? Anscombe: Intention.?
04.09.2007? ? Handlingsmetafysikk? Anscombe: Intention, Davidson: “Agency”, Moya: kap. 3.?
11.09.2007? ? Volisjonistiske teorier? Moya: kap 2, Hornsby: Actions, kap. 1, 2 og 3, McCann: “Trying, Paralysis, and Volition”.?
18.09.2007? ? Den kausale teorien om handling (I)? Davidson: “Action, Reasons, and Causes”, Moya, kap. 10 og 11. ?
25.09.2007? ? Den kausale teorien om handling (II)? Frankfurt: “The Problem of Action”, Velleman: “The Guise of the Good”, Wilson: “Davidson on Intentional Action”. ?
02.10.2007? ? Intensjoner (I)? Davidson: “Intending”, Moya: kap. 12, 13.?
09.10.2007? ? ? Studieuke?
16.10.2007? ? Intensjoner (II)? Bratman: “Two Faces of Intention”. ?
23.10.2007? ? Viljessvakhet? Davidson: “How is Weakness of the Will Possible?”, “Paradoxes of Irrationality”.?
30.10.2007? ? Frihet og Autonomi (I)? Frankfurt: “Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person”, “Identification and Externality”, “Identification and Wholeheartedness”.?
06.11.2007? ? Frihet og Autonomi (II)? Frankfurt: “The Faintest Passion”, Watson: “Free Agency”.?
13.11.2007? ? Frihet og Autonomi (III)? Velleman: “What Happens When Someone Acts?”, Wolf: “Sanity and the Metaphysics of Responsibility”.?
20.11.2007? ? Grunner, motivasjon og praktisk fornuft (I)? Williams: “Internal and External Reasons”, Koorsgaard: “Skepticism about Practical Reason”.?
27.11.2007? ? Grunner, motivasjon og praktisk fornuft (II)? Wallace: “How to Argue about Practical Reason”.?

Det gj?res oppmerksom p? at det kan forekomme endringer i planen utover i semesteret.

Publisert 3. aug. 2007 13:49 - Sist endret 3. aug. 2007 14:12