1. Writing a research proposal
The little red school house: ‘Finding a problem worth solving at two steps of the writing process’
Chudnoff, E. 'A Guide to Philosophical Writing', https://philosophy.fas.harvard.edu/files/phildept/files/guide_to_philosophical_writing.pdf
Pryor, ‘Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper’, http://www.jimpryor.net/teaching/guidelines/writing.html
2. Practical skills in philosophy
De Cruz, H. ‘How to Plan a Philosophy Conference or Workshop’ Philosopher’s Cocoon Blog https://philosopherscocoon.typepad.com/blog/2015/08/how-to-organize-a-philosophy-conference-or-workshop.html
Rettler, B. ‘How to Chair an Effective Q&A Session’ Blog of the APA
Wasserman, H. ‘How to Ask Questions at Conferences and Colloquia’ and ‘How to Present and Answer Questions at Conferences and Colloquia’ Prawfs Blawg https://prawfsblawg.blogs.com/prawfsblawg/2011/03/how-to-ask-questions-at-conferences-and-colloquia.html
Koksvik, O. ‘Giving a Talk in Philosophy’, http://www.koksvik.net/talk.php
Robert Dingwall (2008) The ethical case against ethical regulation in humanities and social science research, Twenty-First Century Society, 3:1, 1-12
3. History of philosophy
Richard Rorty, ‘The historiography of philosophy: four genres’ in Philosophy in History: Essays on the Historiography of Philosophy ed. Richard Rorty, J. B. Schneewind & Quentin Skinner, (Cambridge Unviersity Press, 1984),
Franco Trivigno, ‘Childish Nonsense? The Value of Interpretation in Plato’s Protagoras’, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 51 (2013), 509–43
4. Ethics
Shaw, D. “Protecting Participants in Thought Experiments: The Role of the Research Ethics Committee”. Bioethical Inquiry 15, 5–6 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11673-017-9831-8
Tom L. Beauchamp. “On Eliminating the Distinction Between Applied Ethics and Ethical Theory”. The Monist, Vol. 67, No. 4, Ethics and the Modern World (October, 1984), pp.514-531;
Smajdor A. The moral imperative for ectogenesis. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. 2007 Jul;16(3):336-45.
5. Political philosophy
List, C., & Valentini, L. (2016). ‘The Methodology of Political Theory. In H. Cappelen, T. S. Gendler, & J. Hawthorne (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Methodology (1st ed.). Oxford University Press.
Mancilla, “The Moral Limits of Territorial Claims in Antarctica.” Ethics and International Affairs 32, no. 3 (2018): 339–60.
6. Phenomenology and continental philosophy
I?ris Marion Young, “Throwing Like a Girl”, Human studies, 3, 1980;
Ingvild Torsen, “The Future of Hegelian Art History: On the Body in Late Modern Sculpture.” In Kottman, Paul & Michael Squire (eds.), The Art of Hegel’s Aesthetics, Verlag W. Fink, 2018
7. Social science, history, and philosophy
Jon Elster, article about enthusiasm and anger in history, in particular the French and American revolutions, and a response by Gjelsvik, both forthcoming in Inquiry.
8. Popular Philosophy, Public Philosophy and Philosophical Activism
Arne Johan Vetlsen: ‘The intellectual in Auschwitz: Between vulnerability and resistance’, forthcoming in Thesis Eleven.
9. Formal methods, logic
Timothy Williamson, Doing Philosophy (OUP 2018), ch.s 7 and 10,
?ystein Linnebo and Stewart Shapiro, ‘Actual and Potential Infinity’, Nous, 53:1 (2019) 160–191; only Sections 1 - 6. [Note to students: Don't worry too much about the details of the logical analyses in Sections 4 - 6, just try to get the general picture.]
10. Pragmatism and metaphilosophy
Jame Tartaglia. “Is philosophy all about the meaning of life?” Metaphilosophy, Vol. 47, No. 2, April 2016;
Bj?rn Torgrim Ramberg. “In Search of Perspective: Notes on Freedom, Transcendence, and Finitude in Tartaglia’s Philosophy in a Meaningless Life”. Journal of the Philosophy of Life, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2017. Special Issue: Nihilism and the Meaning of Life: A Philosophical Dialogue with James Tartaglia, pp. 136-151.
11. Philosophy of mind
Munton, J. (2019). ‘Perceptual skill and social structure’. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 99(1), 131-161. +
Unpublished paper by Watzl, ’The rational role of salience’.
12. Philosophy and the sciences
Kuhlmann, M., Pietsch, W. What Is and Why Do We Need Philosophy of Physics?. J Gen Philos Sci 43, 209–214 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10838-012-9204-2 (NOTE: Skip section 2);
Rickles, D., (2008), "Introduction", in ?Dean Rickles (Ed.). Ashgate companion to contemporary philosophy of physics. Burlington: Ashgate, pp. 4-11