
The course will focus on the history of enlightenment thought about moral questions. We shall compare the Scottish approach to moral theory (David Hume and Adam Smith – against the background as set by Hobbes) to the German approach as inspired by the tradition of rationalist thought  (Immanuel Kant – against the background of rationalist thought such as that of Christian August Crusius).

For successful participation, the following is required: attending the lectures regularly, preparing one session and presenting written questions, submitting a draft for the ‘semesteroppgave’ and the final text of it.

The course will be taught in English. The questions, the draft, and the semesteroppgave can be submitted in English or Norwegian.

Reading list:


Primary texts:

Excerpts from Hobbes, Thomas (1651/1996) Leviathan, revised student edition (Tuck, Richard, ed.) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

Excerpts from Hume, David (1738/2000) A Treatise of Human Nature (Norton, David F. and Norton, Mary J., eds.) (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Excerpts from Smith, Adam (1759/1790/1976) The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.

Crusius, Christian August (1744) ‘Guide to Rational Living.’ In Schneewind, J. B., ed. (2003) Moral Philosophy from Montaigne to Kant (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 568-585.

Excerpts from Kant, Immanuel (1785/2012) Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (Gregor, Mary, et al., trans.) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

Excerpts from Kant, Immanuel (1788/1997) Critique of Practical Reason. (Gregor, Mary, et al., trans.) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).



Secondary literature:

Cohen, Rachel (2008) Hume’s Morality. Feeling and Fabrication. Oxford: OUP.

Fricke, Christel (2011) ‘Adam Smith: The Sympathetic Process and the Origin and Function of Conscience.’ In: Christopher Berry, Maria Oia Paganelli, Craig Smith (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith. Oxford: OUP, 177-200.

Herman. Barbara (2007) Moral Literacy. Cambridge/Mass and London/England: Harvard University Press. Selected chapters.

Schneewind, J.B. The Invention of Autonomy. A History of Modern Moral Philosophy. Cambridge: CUP.




Online texts:


Excerpts from Hobbes, Thomas (1651/1660) The Leviathan. Available at



Excerpts from Hume, David (1738) A Treatise of Human Nature. Available at


Excerpts from Smith, Adam (1759) The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Available

                >at <>.

Crusius, Christian August (1744) Guide to Rational Living. In Schneewind, J. B.,

                >ed. (2003) Moral Philosophy from Montaigne to Kant (Cambridge: Cambridge

                >University Press), pp. 568-585.

Excerpts from Kant, Immanuel (1785) Groundwork of the Metaphysics of

                >Morals. Available at


                >s> (Kingsmill Abbott, Thomas, trans.) Excerpts from Kant, Immanuel (1788)

                >Critique of Practical Reason. Available at

                ><> (Kingsmill

                >Abbott, Thomas, trans.)


Publisert 21. okt. 2014 12:45