

F?lgende artikler finnes p? nettet:


Donald R. Kelley: "Intellectual History in a Global Age", Journal of the History of Ideas


Donald R. Kelley: "What is Happening to the History of Ideas? ", Journal of the History of

Ideas (1990)


Reinhart Koselleck: "Introduction and Prefaces to the Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe", i

Contributions to the History of Concepts (2011)


Reinhart Koselleck: "Crisis", Journal of the History of Ideas (1990)



J. G. A. Pocock: Political Thought and History (Cambridge, 2009); f?lgende artikler:

"The history of political thought: a methodological inquiry."
"Working on ideas in time."

"The concept of a language and the métier d'historien: some considerations on practice."


Quentin Skinner: Visions of Politics. Volume 1: Regarding Method (Cambridge, 2002), f?lgende artikler:


"Introduction: Seeing things their way"

"Meaning and understanding in the history of ideas"

"Moral principles and social change"

"Retrospect: Studying rhetoric and conceptual change"


Richard Rorty, J.B. Schneewind og Quentin Skinner (eds): Philosophy in History(Cambridge, 1984), f?lgende artikler: Part I (1-9).

Michel Foucault: Diskursens orden (Oslo, 1999)


Ellen Krefting, Espen Schaanning og Reidar Aasgaard (red.), Grep om fortiden: Perspektiver og metoder i idéhistorie (Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2017).



Publisert 2. mai 2017 13:03 - Sist endret 27. juni 2017 10:47