Syllabus / Pensum/l?ringskrav

NB: Most of the curriculum is in the book by Hugh Cunningham (see the secondary literature list below) and the two compendia which the students will need to purchase at the Akademika Bookstoore at the main campus: “IDE2053 Del 1 av 2: Hva er et barn? Barndommens idéhistorie, komp. I, prim?rkilder” (ISBN 9028220099131) and “IDE2053 Hva er et barn? Barndommens historie, komp. II, sekund?rlitteratur” (ISBN9028220098912).

The texts marked with * are to be found in the printed compendia.

The texts marked with + are available online.

Many of the texts that are not printed in the compendia or available online will be distributed to the students or uploaded in Fronter.

Most of the curriculum is also available in Norwegian (see below).

The total amount of the curriculum is about 900-1000 pages.



(English) +The Old Testament: 1 Samuel 1-3 and Proverbs 3-4 and 13. (

(Norwegian) Det gamle testamentet: 1 Samuelsbok 1-3 og Salomos ordspr?k 3-4 og 13, i Bibelen, Oslo: Bibelselskapet 2011 (ev. 1978/85).

 (E) +The New Testament: Matthew 1-2; Luke 1-2; Mark 5, 21-43; 9-10; Ephesians 5, 21- 6, 9. (

(N) Det nye testamentet: Matteus 1-2; Lukas 1-2; Markus 5,21-43; 9-10; Efeserbrevet 5,21- 6,9, i Det nye testamentet, Oslo: Bibelselskapet 2011 (ev. 1978/85 el. 2005).

(E) +Quintilian, Institutio oratoria, book 1.1-3 and 8. (

(N) *Quintilian, Institutio oratoria, bok 1.1-3 og 8, i Quintilian, Oppl?ring av talaren, Oslo 2004, 49-79. 

(E) + Protoevangelium of James (

(N) *Jakobs protevangelium, i Thomassen, E., Moxnes, H. (red.), Apokryfe evangelier, Oslo 2001, s. 131-57.

(E) +Infancy Gospel of Thomas (

(N) *Tomas barndomsevangelium, i Thomassen, E., Moxnes, H. (red.), Apokryfe evangelier, Oslo 2001, s. 159-76.

 (E) +Gregory of Nyssa, Life of St. Macrina, chap. 1-13 (

(N) *Gregor av Nyssa, Makrinas liv, kap. 1-13, i Amadou, C. (red.), ?stkirken, Oslo 2002, 1- 18.

(E) *John Chrysostom, An Adress on Vainglory and the Right Way for Parents to Bring Up Their Children, 1 and 16-90, in Laistner, M.L.W., Christianity and Pagan Culture, Ithaca, N.Y. 1951, 85-86, 93-122.

(E) +Augustine, Confessions, book 1-2. ( 

(N) Augustin, Bekjennelser bok 1-2, i Augustin, Bekjennelser, Oslo 1961 (el. senere), eller Augustin, Confessiones, Oslo 1965 el. 2009.

Middle Ages and Reformation times

(E) The Life and Conduct and a Partial Narration of the Miracles of Our Holy Father and Miracle worker Luke the Younger who is Buried in Greece, chap. 1-15, in Connor, C. and Connor R., The Life and Miracles of Saint Luke of Steiris, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994, 3-25. (Fronter)

(E) + Life of Theodora of Thessalonike, chap.1-9, in Talbot, A.-M. (ed.), Holy Women of Byzantium: Ten Saints’ Lives in English Translation, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C., 1996 (pages in PDF file 164-71). (

(E) Michael Psellos, Funeral Oration for his daughter Styliane who died before the age of marriage, in A. Kaldellis, Mothers and Sons, Fathers and Daughters, Notre Dame, 2006, 111-38. (Fronter; also in library)

(E) Michael Psellos, To his grandson, who was still an infant, in A. Kaldellis, Mothers and Sons, Fathers and Daughters, Notre Dame, 2006, 157-66. (Fronter; also in library)


(E) *Abelard, To Astralabe, My Son, in Levitan, W. (ed.), Abelard & Heloise: The Letters and Other Writings, Indianapolis 2007, 294-301.


(N) *Kongsspeilet, Oslo 2000, 1-6, 9-13.


(E) + Thomas Aquinas, The Summa Theologica, 43.2 (Objection 7), 6121-6122.



(E) + Teresa of Avila, The Book of my life, chap. 1-4 (pages in PDF file: 44-61). (

(N) *Teresa av Avila, Historien om mitt liv, kap. 1-4, i Berdal, O., Teresa av Avila: Boken om mitt liv, Oslo 2008, 1-22.


(E) Erasmus of Rotterdam, The Education of Children (Fronter)


(E)+ Martin Luther, The Large Catechism, (pages in PDF file: 4-6; 15-21).


(N) *Luther, Luthers store katekisme, forord og det 4. bud, i Hjelde, S. m.fl. (red.), Martin Luther: Verker i utvalg (bind 5), Oslo 1982, 240-45, 259-69.  


Enlightenment and pietism

(E) *Locke, Excerpt from: Some Thoughts Concerning Education, in (Red) Yolton, J., Some Thoughts Concerning Education, Oxford 1989, pp. 83-85, 103-118, 142-146, 171-181, 195-199, 207-215.

(N) Pontoppidan, E., Sannhet til gudfryktighet, T?nsberg 1972, 4-9, 44-52, 127-35. (Fronter)

(OBS: An English translation of the text will be uploaded in Fronter).

(E) Rousseau, Excerpts: ?mile or Treatise on Education, in Rousseau, J.-J., ?mile, or Treatise on Education, Amherst, N.Y. 2003, xli-xlv, 1-26, 41-57, 131-39, 259-69. (Fronter; also in library)

(E) +Wollstonecraft, M, A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman, (pages in PDF file: 11-18, 163-165, 171-179. (

(N) Wollstonecraft, M., Et forsvar for kvinnens rettigheter, Oslo 2003, 19-29, 225-28, 237- 46. (Fronter; also in library)


Norway and modern times (97 pages + some more)

(N) +Bjerke, A., ‘De voksnes fest’ og ‘Barnet, natten og ordet’, i ds., Samlede dikt 1940-1953, Oslo: Bokklubben, 1974, s. 230 og 255. (

(N) +Bjerke, A., ‘N? begynner vi!’ og ‘Dukkehuset’ i ds., Morovers, Oslo 1995, s. 4 og 9.

(N) +Bj?rneboe, Jens, ‘Eventyrene’ og ‘Ti bud til en ung mann som vil frem i verden’, i ds., Samlede dikt, Oslo 1995, 51-53, 177-78. (

(N) +Bj?rneboe, J., Skal vi sette v?re barn p? Steinerskolen, i ds., Samlede essays, Pedagogikk, Oslo 1996, 9-31. (

(E) + Declaration of the rights of the child 1959. (

(N) +FNs erkl?ring om barnets rettigheter (1959). (


(E) + Convention on the Rights of the Child 1990. (

(N) +FNs konvensjon om barnets rettigheter, del I (1990) (

(N) +Hagerup, I., Samlede dikt, Oslo 1976, 134-41. (

(E) Moe, In the Pond and on the Hill. Stories for Boys and Girls, London, 1883. (Fronter)

(N) +Moe, J., ‘Dukken under tj?rnerosen,’ i ds., I br?nden og i Tj?rnet, Kristiania 1898, 1-13. (

(N) +Munthe, M., ‘17de mai-sang for de sm?’, ‘Vi springer straks’ og ‘Lua av’, i Munthe, M., Kom skal vi synge, Oslo 1985, 26-27, 42-43.

(N) +Sivle, P., ‘Berre ein hund,’ i Sivle, P., Sogor: Ein bundel, Kristiania 1906, 41-68. (

(N) +Wergeland, H., Barnas Wergeland, Oslo 1945, 46-48, 54-56, 58-59. (

OBS: Information about the remaining texts will be given during the course.


(E) Cunningham, H., Children and Childhood in Western Society Since 1500 (2nd ed.), 238 p.

(N) + Cunningham, H., Barn og barndom fra middelalder til moderne tid (1. utg.),, 226 s.


(E) *Gundry-Volf, J.M., The Least and the Greatest: Children in the New Testament, i Bunge, M.J. (red.), The Child in Christian Thought, Grand Rapids, Mich. 2001, 29-60.


 (E) Aasgaard, R., Uncovering Children’s Culture in Late Antiquity: The Testimony of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, in Horn, C.B. (ed.), Children in Late Ancient Christianity, Tübingen 2009, 1-27 (Fronter).


 (E) Aasgaard, R., Childhoods 400 CE: Jerome, John Chrysostom, and Augustine on children and their formation (Fronter).


(E) *Stortz, E.M., ‘Where or When Was Your Servant Innocent?’ Augustine on Childhood, in Bunge, M.J. (ed.), The Child in Christian Thought, Grand Rapids, Mich., 78-102.


(E) Guroian, V,  The Ecclesial Family: John Chrysostom on Parenthood and Children, in Marcia Bunge (ed), The Child in Christian Thought, 61-76, or in (N) *Bakke, O.M., ‘La ingen ting v?re s? viktig som ? ha omsorg for barna’ – kristen oppdragelse hos Johannes Krysostomos, i Sandnes, K.O. m.fl. (red.), N?r jeg s? skal ut i verden: Barn og tro i tidlig kristendom, Trondheim 2009, 221-35.

(E) Caseau, B., Childhood in Byzantine Saints’ Lives, in Arietta Papaconstantinou and Alice Mary Talbot, Becoming Byzantine: Children and Childhood in Byzantium, Dumbarton Oaks, 2010, 127-66. (Fronter)

(E) *Ruys, J.F., Peter Abelard’s Carmen ad Astralabium


Published May 18, 2016 10:37 AM - Last modified May 25, 2016 5:35 PM