
Bischoffs book on Munch and the booklet on the Vigeland park can be bought in the bookshop in the National Gallery

Required reading:

1) Texts printed in compendium avalible at the copi center at Akademika

  • Malmanger, Magne: One Hundred Years of Norwegian Painting, 1988. Oslo : Nasjonalgalleriet. pp. 5-127.
  • Malmanger, Magne: ”The Flight of Time and the Unique Event. Adolph Tidemand in Search of the Norwegian People” in: Der aander en tindrende Sommerluft varmt over Hardangerfjords Vande... Tidemand & Gude [Exhibition catalogue] , 2003. Oslo : Nasjonalgalleriet . pp. 194-201; ill. pp. 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.

  • Ydstie, Ingebj?rg: ”Thundering Waterfalls and Mighty Cascades. The Waterfall from Typology to Topology” in: Levande vatn. Fossen som natur og symbol [Living Water. The Waterfall as Nature and Symbol], 1999. Baroniet Rosendal . pp. 38-52; ill. pp. 26, 27.

  • Wichstr?m, Anne: “At Century’s End: Harriet Backer, Kitty Kielland, Asta N?rregaard”, in At Century’s End: Norwegian Artists and the Figurative Tradition 1880/1990, Norway 1995, pp. 21-43

  • Koefoed, Holger: “A Land There is, Lying Near Far-Northern Snow … Winter Scenes in the Romantic Period ”, in Winter Land. Norwegian Visions of Winter, Oslo, 1993 (De norske bokklubbene), pp. 21-29

  • Varnedoe, Kirk: Northern Light. Nordic Art at the Turn of the Century, Oslo 1988, pp. 64-67, 142-153, 196-197, 204-207, 218-221, 226-233, 250-255

  • Gunnarson, Torsten, “The Northern Wilderness”, in Nordic Landscape Painting in the Nineteenth Century, New Haven 1998, pp. 79-80, 87-115

  • From Tunes in a Landscape. Fleskum: a Norwegian Artist’s Colony, Budapest, 2002 (Ina Johannesen: “Tone, Colour, Nuance”, pp.106-110, Ingrid Reed Thomsen: “Christian Skredsvig. A Short Biography with emphasis on the Fleskum Period”, pp.111-115, Marit Lange: “Harriet Backer and Kitty L. Kielland at Fleskum in the Summer of 1886”, pp. 118–126) + color plates

  • Eggum, Arne: ”Edvard Munch A Biographical Background” i Edvard Munch The Frieze of Life, London 1993, pp. 15–24

  • Heller, Reinhold: “Form and Formation of Edvard Munch’s Frieze of Life” i Edvard Munch The Frieze of Life, London 1993, pp. 25—37

  • Rosenblum, Robert: Edvard Munch: “Some Changing Contexts” I Edvard Munch. Symbols and Images, Washington 1978, pp. 1—10

  • Woll, Gerd: ”Fifty years of printmaking” i Edvard Munch The Complete Graphic Works, London, 2001, pp. 6—29

  • Bjerke, ?ivind Storm : Edvard Munch and Harald Sohlberg : Landscapes of the Mind, 1995. New York : National Academy of Design. pp. 18-48, plates pp. 125, 127, 129, 136, 130, 135, 137.

  • Stang, Ragna Thiis: Gustav Vigeland. The Sculptor and his Works, Oslo 1980. pp. 9 - 44, 108 -117.

  • Bringager, Frithjof “Transformations of Love. Mythos and Eros in Vigeland’s Art” in: Eros in the Art of Gustav Vigeland [Exhibition cat.] , 1996. Vigelandsmuseets skrifter nr. 11. Oslo : Dreyer. pp. 8, 10, 14, 16-24.
  • Carling, J?rgen and Solveig Broch: The Oslo City Hall : History, Art and the Nobel Peace Prize, 1995. Oslo : Normanns Kunstforlag . pp. 6-15, 24-29.

  • S?rensen, Gunnar: “Artistic Unity and Accord” in Gr?nvold, Ulf, Anker, Nils and S?rensen, Gunnar: The City Hall in Oslo, Oslo 2000, pp. 257 – 371.

  • Wichstr?m, Anne: "Oda Krohg. A Turn-of-the-Century Nordic Artist" in: Woman's Art journal , Fall 1991/Winter 1992. Vol.12, Nu.1. pp. 3-8.

  • Wichstr?m, Anne: "Asta N?rregard: Aspects of Professionalism" in: Woman's Art Journal , Spring/Summer 2002, Vol. 23, Nu.1. pp.3-11.

  • Berg, Knut: "Nordic Art at the Turn of the Century" in: Dreams of a Summer Night. Scandinavian Painting at the Turn of the Century, 1986. London. pp.29-39, 66-71 (Harriet Backer), 158-161 (Kitty Kielland)

  • Nergaard, Trygve: "Per Krohg 1910 - 1930" in: Per Krohg Bilder 1910 -1930. Kunstnernes Hus Oslo 10.6 - 13.8.1989. 1989. Oslo. pp. 7 - 13, 16-29, 99

  • Kluver, Bill, Marti, Julie: KiKi's Paris. Artists and Lovers 1900 - 1930. 1989. New York: Harry N. Abrams Inc. pp. 26-27 (Christian and Oda), 38-40 (The Matisse Academy, Matisse students), 42, 44,45 (Elvire and Lucy, The golden Couple)

  • Bj?rkvik, Halvard: "The Social and Economic Background of Folk Art in Norway" in: Norwegian Folk Art. The Migration of a Tradition. The Museum of American Folk Art, New York and The Norwegian Folk Museum, Oslo. 1995. New York: Abbeville Press. pp. 119-125

  • Noss, Aagot: "Rural Norwegian Dress and its Symbolic Functions" in: Norwegian Folk Art. The Migration of a Tradition. The Museum of American Folk Art, New York and The Norwegian Folk Museum, Oslo. 1995. New York: Abbeville Press. pp. 149-155

  • Ellingsgard, Nils. Norsk Rosem?ling. Dekorativ M?ling i folkekunsten. 1999. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget. Summary in English pp. 329-343

2) additional reading

  • Bischoff, Ulrich: Munch, K?ln, 2000 (95 pp)

  • Booklet on the Vigeland Park (title to be announced)

Total amount of pages: approx. 750

Published Apr. 2, 2009 2:26 PM - Last modified June 5, 2009 3:24 PM