KUN 2001: Historiografi, teori og metode
? sideantal: 1181 s. + 95 s. kursivt
Tekster merket med * er ? finne i kompendium hos Kopiutsalget
Academies, Museums and Canons of Art. Gillian Perry, Colin Cunningham (ed.). Art and Its Histories 1. New Haven Conn. 1999. 268 s.
Nochlin, Linda: Hvorfor har det ikke v?rt noen store kvinnelige kunstnere? Oslo 2002: 7–64 + Anne Wichstr?m:” Etterord”: 161–175. 71 s.
* Salomon, Nanette: ”The Art Historical Canon: Sins of Omission”. The Art of Art History. A Critical Anthology. Donald Preziosi (ed.). Oxford 1998 el. senare utg.: 344–353. 9 s. + n. s. 551–553
* Vasari, Giorgio: Lives of the Artists inkl. intro. Art History and Its Methods. A Critical Anthology. Eric Fernie (ed.). London 1995 el. senare utg.: 22–42. 20 s. — : Lives of the Artists (1550/1568, i mod. utg.): Giotto, Michelangelo. 95 s. kursivt
* Winckelmann, Johann Joachim: ”The History of Ancient Art” inkl. intro. Art History and Its Methods. A Critical Anthology. Eric Fernie (ed.). London 1995 el. senare utg.: 68–76. 8 s.
Form og forandring
Gombrich, E.H.: Art and Illusion. A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation. New York 1961 og senere utg.: ”Introduction” + kap. I, II, IV–IX (s. 3–8, 29–78, 154 –278). 180 s. + n. s. 335, 339–342, 349–357
* Krieger, Murray: ”The Ambiguities of Representation and Illusion: An E.H. Gombrich Retrospective”. Critical Inquiry December 1984: 11 (2): 181–194. 13 s.
* W?lfflin, Heinrich: “Introduction” og “Linear and Painterly, General Observations”. Principles of Art History. New York 1950: 1 – 53. 53 s.
Bilde og betydning
Nochlin, Linda: ”Berthe Morisots ’Ammen’. Konstruksjonen av arbeid og fritid i impresjonistisk maleri”. Dens.: Hvorfor har det ikke v?rt noen store kvinnelige kunstnere? Oslo 2002 : 65 – 100. 35 s.
* Barthes, Roland: ”Billedets retorik”. Visuel kommunikation 1. Bent Fausing, Peter Larsen (red.). K?benhavn 1980: 42–57. 15 s.
* Panofsky, Erwin: ”Iconography and Iconology. An Introduction to the Study of Renaissance Art”. Meaning in the Visual Arts. London 1955 el. senere utg.: 26-54. 29 s.
* Pollock, Griselda, ”Woman as Sign in Pre-Raphaelite Literature. The Representation of Elizabeth Siddall”. Vision and Difference: Femininity, Feminism and the Histories of Art. London 1988: 91–114. 30 s. + n. s. 209–214
* Riegl, Alois: ”Geertgen tot Sint Jans’ ’The Legend of the Relics of St. John the Baptist’” inkl. intro. Modern Perspectives in Western Art History. An Anthology on Twentieth-Century Writings on the Visual Arts. W. Eugene Kleinbauer (ed.). Toronto, Buffalo, London 1989 el. senere utg.: 124–138. 14 s.
* Warburg, Aby: ”Italian Art and International Astrology in the Palazzo Schifanoia in Ferrara”. German Essays on Art History. The German Library 79. New York 1988: 234–253. 19 s.
Nyere metoder og tema
D’Alleva, Anne: Methods and Theories of Art History. London 2005. 172 s.
Fallan, Kjetil: Design History: Understanding Theory and Method. Oxford 2009/2010.. 224 s.
* Mitchell, W. J. T.: ”Word and Image”. Critical Terms for Art History. Robert S. Nelson, Richard Shiff (eds.). Chicago, London 2003: 51–61. 10 s.
* Mattick, Paul Jr.: ”Context”. Critical Terms for Art History. Robert S. Nelson, Richard Shiff (eds.). Chicago, London 2003: 110–127. 17 s.
* Krauss, Rosalind E.: ”Grids”. The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths. Cambridge, Mass./London 1985: 8–22. 14 s.