
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
05.10.2006Kristine Kolrud? Seminarrom 454 P.A. Munchs hus ? The life and work of Edvard Munch: an introduction? ?
12.10.2006Kristine Kolrud ? Seminarrom 454 P.A. Munchs hus ? Munch’s formation as an artist? ?
19.10.2006Kristine Kolrud ? Seminarrom 454 P.A. Munchs hus ? Munch and the human life cycle? ?
26.10.2006Kristine Kolrud ? ? Museum visit (National Museum/Munch Museum, to be confirmed)? ?
02.11.2006Kristine Kolrud ? Seminarrom 454 P.A. Munchs hus ? Munch and the exploration of the emotions? ?
09.11.2006Kristine Kolrud ? Seminarrom 454 P.A. Munchs hus ? Munch and the exploration of the emotions ? ?
16.11.2006Kristine Kolrud ? Seminarrom 454 P.A. Munchs hus ? The image of women in Munch’s art? ?
23.11.2006Kristine Kolrud ? ? Museum visit (National Museum/Munch Museum, to be confirmed)? ?
30.11.2006Kristine Kolrud ? Seminarrom 454 P.A. Munchs hus ? The image of men in Munch’s art? ?
07.12.2006Kristine Kolrud ? Seminarrom 454 P.A. Munchs hus ? Munch’s patrons? ?
Published July 11, 2006 4:01 PM - Last modified July 11, 2006 4:12 PM