

Lees-Maffei, G. & R. Houze (red.): The Design History Reader, 2010. Oxford/NY, Berg Publishers. (544 s.).

Adrian Forty: Objects of Desire: Design and Society since 1750 , London 1986. Thames & Hudson. (240 s.).

Woodham, Jonathan M.: Twentieth Century Design., Oxford/NY, Oxford University Press 1997. (250 s.).

Anbefalt for supplering og utdyping:

Frank, Isabelle, ed: The theory of decorative art, 2000. New Haven, Yale University Press. 392s.

Vihma, Susann: Designhistoria: en introduktion, 2003. Stockholm: Raster. 218s.


Julier, Guy: The Thames and Hudson dictionary of design since 1900. , 2004. 2nd ed. London, Thames and Hudson.

Publisert 27. mars 2012 06:29 - Sist endret 29. juni 2012 11:54