Kjetil Fallan (red.): Scandinavian Design: Alternative Histories , London: 2012. Berg Publishers. (282 s.).
Fredrik Wildhagen: Formgitt i Norge , Oslo: 2012. Unipub. (390 s.).
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Husk gyldig studentbevis ved kj?p av kompendium.
Oversiktslitteratur (Kompendium 1):
Christine Stevenson: "Decorative Art Production in the Scandinavian Kingdoms" i Carlo Pirovano (red.): History of Industrial Design. Volume One: 1750-1850 The Age of the Industrial Revolution , Milano: 1990. Electa. ss. 196-211. [16 s.].
Lars Dybdahl: "The Scandinavian Countries: From Viking Revival toward Functional Objectivity" i Carlo Pirovano (red.): History of Industrial Design. Volume Two: 1851-1918 The Great Emporium of the World , Milano, 1990. Electa. ss. 228-251. [24 s.].
Fredrik Wildhagen: "The Scandinavian Countries: Design for the Welfare Society" i Carlo Pirovano (red.): History of Industrial Design. Volume Three: 1919-1990 The Dominion of Design, Milano, 1990. Electa. ss. 148-159. [12 s.].
Temalitteratur (Kompendium 2):
Alf B?e: "Kunsth?ndverk og kunstindustri 1914-1940" i Knut Berg et al. (red.): Norges kunsthistorie. Bind 6: Mellomkrigstid, Oslo, 1983. Gyldendal. ss. 307-394 [78 s.].
Hedvig Sch?nb?ck: "Volvos bildesign" i Lasse Brunnstr?m (red.): Svensk industridesign: en 1900-talshistoria, Stockholm:1997. Prisma. ss. 355-373 [19 s.].
Anders Tunberg: "SAABs bildesign" i Lasse Brunnstr?m (red.),: Svensk industridesign: en 1900-talshistoria, Stockholm: 1997. Prisma. ss. 375-403 [28 s.].
Kjetil Rolness,: "Kampen mot pynten, eller: Smakens misjon?rer l?rer folket ? bo ’riktig, utdrag fra" i Med smak skal hjemmet bygges: Innredning av det moderne Norge, Oslo 1995. Aschehoug. ss. 56-115 [60 s.].
Kjetil Fallan: "Visionaries and Weathercocks: Norwegian Furniture Design c. 1920-1965" i Scandinavian Journal of Design History 13, 2003. 100-113 [13 s.].
Liv Ramskj?r: "Plast i det moderne Norge: introduksjon, gjennombrudd og spredning av plastprodukter i Norge 1930-1974" i Frode Weium (red.): Plast i det moderne Norge, Oslo:2001. Norsk teknisk museum. ss. 155-210 [55 s.].
Espen Johnsen: "Form follows Emotion? Northern Minimalism and Neomodernism" i Widar Halén & Kerstin Wickman (red.),: Scandinavian Design Beyond the Myth, Stockholm: 2003. Arvinius/Form. ss. 133-141 [7 s.].
Artikler tilgjengelig elektronisk via UiOs nett:
Kjetil Fallan: "How an Excavator Got Aesthetic Pretensions: Negotiating Design in 1960s’ Norway" i Journal of Design History 20(1), 2007. 43-59 [17 s.]. http://jdh.oxfordjournals.org/content/20/1/43.full.pdf.
Jeffrey T. Schnapp: "The Romance of Caffeine and Aluminum" i Critical Inquiry 28(1), 2001. 244-269 [26 s.]. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1344267.
Per H. Hansen: "Networks, Narratives, and New Markets: The Rise and Decline of Danish Modern Furniture Design, 1930-1970" i Business History Review 80(3), 2006. 449-483 [34 s.]. http://www.jstor.org/stable/25097226.
Kjetil Fallan: "The Realpolitik of the Artificial: Strategic Design at Figgjo Fajanse Facing International Free Trade in the 1960s" i Enterprise & Society 10(3), 2009. 559-589 [30 s.]. http://es.oxfordjournals.org/content/10/3/559.full.pdf.
Maaike Lauwaert: "Playing outside the box – on LEGO toys and the changing world of construction play" i History and Technology , 24(3), 2008. 221-237 [16 s.]. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/07341510801900300.
Til sammen 1105 sider (brutto).
Substitute reading for students unable to read Norwegian/Swedish
Instead of F. Fildhagen, Formgitt i Norge, read:
Pekka Korvenmaa: Finnish Design: A Concise History, Helsinki: 2009. University of Art and Design Helsinki. 326 p..
Instead of Sch?nb?ck, ”Volvos bildesign” and Tunberg, ”SAABs bildesign”, read:
Toni-Matti Karjalainen: "It Looks Like a Toyota: Educational Approaches to Designing for Visual Brand Recognition" i International Journal of Design 1(1), 2007. 63-81 [15 p.]. http://ijdesign.org/ojs/index.php/IJDesign/article/viewFile/43/3.
Albert M. Muniz, Jr. & Thomas C. O’Guinn: "Brand Community" i Journal of Consumer Research 27(4), 2001. 412-432 [30 p.]. http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/10.1086/319618.pdf.
Instead of K. Rolness, ”Kampen mot pynten”, read:
Kjetil Fallan: "One Must Offer “Something for Everyone” ’: Designing Crockery for Consumer Consent in 1950s’ Norway" i Journal of Design History 22(2), 2009. 133-149 [17 p.]. http://jdh.oxfordjournals.org/content/22/2/133.full.pdf.
Judy Attfield: "Give ’em something dark and heavy’: The Role of Design in the Material Culture of Popular British Furniture, 1939–1965" i Journal of Design History 9(3), 1996. 185-201 [17 p.]. http://jdh.oxfordjournals.org/content/9/3/185.full.pdf.
Instead of L. Ramskj?r, ”Plast i det moderne Norge”, read:
Jeffrey L. Meikle: "Into the Fourth Kingdom: Representations of Plastic Materials 1920-1950" i Journal of Design History 5(3): 1992. 173-182. [10 p.]. http://jdh.oxfordjournals.org/content/5/3/173.full.pdf.
Eli Rubin: "East German Plastics: Technology, Gender and Teleological Structures of Everyday Life" i German History 25(4), 2007. 596-624 [30 p.]. http://gh.oxfordjournals.org/content/25/4/596.full.pdf+html.