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Foucault, Michel: This is Not a Pipe, University of California Press: Berkeley 1983. 63 p.

Marin, Louis: To Destroy Painting, The University of Chicago Press: Chicago 1995. s. 1-91.

Mitchell, W.J.T.: Iconology. Image, Text, Ideology, The University of Chicago Press: Chicago 1987. 226 p.

I kompendium 1: (tilgjengelig p? Akademika)

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*Barthes, Roland: Image Music Text, Fontana, Fontana: London 1977. “From Work to Text", pp 155-165, “The Death of the Author”, pp 142-149.

*Bryson, Norman: Vision and Painting, Yale University Press: New Haven 1983 . ?The Image from Within and Without?, pp. 67-86, ?The Gaze and the Glance?, pp. 87-132.

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*Foucault Michel, ?Las Meninas?, in : The Order of Things, Routledge: London 1992. pp. 3-16.

I kompendium 2:

*Krauss, Rosalind: The Originality of the Avantgarde and Other Modernist Myths, MIT Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts 1986. “In The Name of Picasso”, pp 23-42, “Notes on the Index 1 & 2", pp 196-221.

*Krauss, Rosalind “Using Language to do Business as Usual + Norman Bryson “Commentary: The Politics of Arbitrariness” i: Visual Theory, red: Bryson, Holly & Moxey. Polity Press: Cambridge 1991. pp 79-100.

*Mitchell, W.J.T., ?What do Pictures Really Want?, in : October 77, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1996. pp 71-82.

*Mukarovsky, Jan ?Art as Semiological Fact?, in Norman Bryson: Calligram, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1988. pp 1-7.

*Owens, Craig: Beyond Recognition. Representation, Power and Culture, University of California Press: Berkeley 1992. ?The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of Postmodernism, Part 1 & 2, pp. 52-87, ?Representation, Appropriation and Power, pp. 88-113.

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*Sayre, Henry, ?So Much to Tell: Narrative and the Poetics of the Vernacular? in: The Object of Performance. The American Avantgarde since 1970, University of Chicago Press: Chicago 1989. pp 174-211.

1088 sider


Hawkes, Terence: Structuralism and Semiotics, University of California Press 1987, 192 p.

Published Apr. 8, 2010 4:09 PM - Last modified Mar. 27, 2012 5:48 PM