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Fagansvarlig Bente Larsen
#Hans Belting “Image, Medium, Body: A New Approach to Iconology,” i: : Critical Inquiry 31. 2, Winter 2005. s. 302-319.
I: Introduksjon
#Roland Barthes: "Cy Twombly: Works on Paper" i The Responsibility of Forms: Critical Essays on Music, Art and Representation, New York 1985. Hill and Wang.
#Susan Sontag: "Against Interpretation" i Against Interpretation and Other Essays: New York 1966, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.
Margaret Iversen and Stephen Melville: "What is the Matter with Methodology?" i Margaret Iversen and Stephen Melville: Writing Art History. Disciplinary Departures, Chicago 2010. The University of Chicago Press. s. 1-15.
II: Historie
Margaret Iversen: Alois Riegl: Art History and Theory, Cambridge 1993. MA:MIT Press.
Margaret Iversen: Alois Riegl: Art History and Theory, Cambridge 1993. MA:MIT Press.
III: Ikonografi
#Baxandall, Michael : Michael Baxandall, “Patterns of Intention” i: Donald Preziosi (ed.), The Art of Art History. A Critical Anthology, Oxford University Press 2009. New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press. s 45-53.
Holly, Michael Ann : Panofsky and the foundations of art history, 1985. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press. 267 s.
IV: Ikonologi/semiotikk
#Mieke Bal, Norman Bryson: "Semiotics and Art History: A Discussusion of Context and Senders" i Donald Preziosi (ed.): The Art of Art History. A Critical Anthology, New Haven, Conn. 2009. Oxford University Press. pp. 243-256.
#Hans Belting : "Image, Medium, Body: A New Approach to Iconology" i Critical Inquiry 31. 2, Winter 2005. s. 302-319.
V: Blikk og betydning
Georges Didi-Huberman: Confronting Images, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005. s.1-51 og 219-271.
VI: Hermeneutikk
# Hans-Georg Gadamer: "The Ontology of the Work of Art and its Hermeneutical Significance" i Richard Kearney and David Rasmussen (ed.): Continental Aesthetics, Blackwell 2001. s. 321-338.
#Gottfried Boehm , “Bidrag til en billedets hermeneutik” i: J?rgen Dehs (red.): ?stetiske teorier, Odense Universitetsforlag 1995. s, 181-202.
#Gottfried Boehm: "Hinsides spr?ket" i Bente Larsen (red.): Estetik. Sansing, erkjennelse og verk, 2006. Unipub. s. 31-45.
VII: Bildets antropologi
Walter Benjamin: "Kunstverket i reproduksjonsalderen" i Kjersti Bale og Arnfinn B?-Rygg (red.): Estetisk teori. En Antologi, Oslo 2008,. Universitetsforlaget. 214-40 .
George Didi-Huberman: "'The Supposition of the Aura: The Now, The Then and Modernity" i Andrew E. Benjamin (Ed.) : Walter Benjamin and History, New York, 2005. Continuum . s. 3-18 .
Margaret Iversen and Stephen Melville: Writing Art History. Disciplinary Departures, Chicago 2010. The University of Chicago Press. s. 38-200.
#Marquard Smith: "Visual Culture Studies: Questions of History, Theory, and Practice" i Donald Preziosi (ed): The Art of Art History, Oxford,2009. Oxford University Press. ss, 455-467.
# John Sallis: "The Hermeneutics of the Artwork" i Günter Figal: Wahrheit und Methode, 2007. Akademie Verlag. s. 45-57.
# Nicolas Davey: "The Hermeneutics of Seeing" i Ian Heywood and Barry Sandywell (ed.): Interpreting Visual Culture. Explorations in the Hermeneutics of the Visual, 1999. Routhledge. s.3-30.