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John Broome, Climate Matters

Norton, 2012, New York and London  210 sider

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PPE1000 ?konomi H?st 2020


Elinor Ostrom, Joanna Burger, Christopher B. Field, Richard B. Nordgaard and David Policansky (1999). Revisiting the commons: Local lessons, global challenges. Science, Vol 284, Issue 5412, pp. 278-282. (5 sider)


D. Fullerton and R. Stavins (1998). How economists see the environment. Nature 395, pp. 433–434. (2 sider)


Kap. 5 og Kap. 6.1.-6.2 i Rapport fra Gr?nn skattekommisjon (NOU 2015:15 – Sett pris p? milj?et). (20 sider)


Taran F?hn, Geir Asheim, Mads Greaker, Cathrine Hagem, B?rd Harstad, Michael Hoel, Diderik Lund, Karine Nyborg, Knut Einar Rosendahl and Halvor Storr?sten (2018). Parisavtalen og oljeeksporten. Samfunns?konomen, nr. 3. (12 sider)


G. B. Asheim, T. F?hn, K. Nyborg, M. Greaker, C. Hagem, B. Harstad, M. O. Hoel, D. Lund og K. E. Rosendahl (2019). The case for a supply-side climate treaty. Science, Vol. 365, Issue 6451, pp. 325- 327. (3 sider).


Diderik Lund, Karine Nyborg (2019). Hvordan begrenses oljeeksporten best? Aftenposten 11. mars 2019.



 PP1000  statsvitenskap 2020



Boasson, E.L. and B. Lahn (2017) ‘Norway: a dissonant cognitive leader?’ Kapittel 13 i R. K.W. Wurzel, J. Connelly and D. Liefferink (red) (2017), Still Taking a Lead? The European Union in International Climate Change Politics, London: Routledge, pp. 189–203. (14 sider)


Christensen, L. (2018) ‘Norges klimam?l for 2030. Fra global til europeisk kostnadseffektivitet’. Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift 34: 113–133 (20 sider)


Dimitrov R, Hovi J, Sprinz DF, S?len H, Underdal A. (2019). Institutional and environmental effectiveness: Will the Paris Agreement work? WIREs Clim Change. 2019;10:e583. (12 sider)



Hovi, J., Skodvin, T., & Aakre, S. (2013). Can Climate Change Negotiations Succeed? Politics and Governance, 1(2): 138-150. (13 sider)



Keohane, Robert O. og Michael Oppenheimer (2016) Paris: Beyond the Climate Dead End through Pledge and Review? Politics and Governance 4(3): 142-151

doi: 10.17645/pag.v4i3.634 (10 sider)



Malnes, R. (2018). The Triad of Uncertainty – The Interaction Between Scientists and Politicians. In G.-E. Torgersen (red), Interaction: ‘Samhandling’ Under Risk. A Step Ahead of the Unforeseen (ss. 199–212). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. DOI: License: CC BY-NC 4. (13 sider)


T?rstad, Vegard H. (2020): Participation, ambition and compliance: Can the Paris Agreement solve the effectiveness trilemma?, Environmental Politics,

DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2019.1710322 ( 20 sider)





PPE1000 filosofi h?sten 2020




Fra Oxford Handbook of Environmental Ethics, Oxford University Press, 2016/2017:


  • Thompson, Allan,  Anthropocentrism: Humanity as Peril and Promise 17 sider


  • Cripps, Elizabeth, Population and Environment  13 sider


  • Bell, Derek,  Justice on One Planet 15 pages


  • Gardiner, Stephen M. Geoengineering: Ethical Questions for Deliberate Climate Manipulators,  16 sider


Publisert 19. mai 2020 16:20 - Sist endret 29. mai 2020 11:37