Required Course Materials
- Brustad, Kristen, Mahmoud Al-Batal, and Abbas Al-Tonsi. Al-Kitaab fii Tacallum al-cArabiyya: a Textbook for Intermediate Arabic, Part One and Two. 3rd ed. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
- Textbook companion website:
In the book (1) and on the website (2), the following materials must be covered:
- Alkitab one third edition lessons 11-13
- Alkitab two third edition lessons 1-7
- Wehr, Hans. A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. 3rd or 4th ed.
- Dialect materials provided by the institutes abroad.
- Media materials provided by the institutes abroad.
Course Objectives
By the end of the semester abroad, in shaa’ allaah, students are expected to reach the Intermediate High level or higher of proficiency in Arabic. To realize this objective in, students need work on the following:
- Increasing vocabulary to encompass both daily needs and topics of wider interest
- Recognizing, comprehending, and actively using new grammatical structures
- Speaking extensively in class within group activities, using both formal Arabic (MSA) and dialect to develop ability to express oneself and communicate effectively on more wider and general topics
- Listening to authentic and pedagogically prepared materials in both formal Arabic (MSA) and the dialects.
- Reading authentic and pedagogically-prepared passaged inside and outside of class to develop reading speed, endurance, and strategies
- Writing and editing long compositions to activate and build vocabulary; developing ability to narrate, and to express opinions in natural, accurate language
- Developing reading and listen strategies in Arabic using techniques such as:
- Skimming to get an overview of a text’s topic and structure before reading
- Scanning texts to extract specific information
- Inferring meaning from context and through application of grammatical knowledge, deduction, and real-world knowledge
- Parsing and analyzing complex sentences
- Using the system of “root and pattern” to learn and guess the meaning of new words
- Identifying and ignoring inaccessible portions of a text
- Using the dictionary efficiently
Course Requirements: Students must do abroad.
- Written homework to be handed in such as drills
- Online Homework from the companion website (Instructors abroad can decide how much students should do)
- Quizzes ( at least 3 during the semester)
- Oral assignments ( at least 2 different big oral assignments)
Individual/group PowerPoint class Presentations- skits - video projects- final interviews etc. - Essays (Must be written in word documents and not by hand, at least 3 written assignments)
- Final writing project (topics should be be free, 700- 1000 words)
- Final assessment exam
Course Requirements: Students who are not going abroad.
- Tre obligatoriske innleveringer
De tre oppgavene skal skrives p? arabisk om oppgitte tema innen feltene:
- Politikk/samfunn i den arabiske verden
- Midt?stens eller islamsk historie / religion / filosofi
- Arabisk spr?k/litteratur.
Oppgavene leveres normalt innen i medio mars, april og mai i v?rsemesteret. Hver oppgave skal v?re p? omkring 700 ord/3 sider (referanseliste kommer i tillegg). Innlevering skjer elektronisk i Canvas. Fagl?rer kan velge ? ha et m?te med studentene hver for seg for ? diskutere en eller alle skriveoppgavene med dem.