
Publisert 6. mai 2014 20:31
Publisert 2. mai 2014 12:52
Publisert 25. apr. 2014 13:24

Monday the 28th of April/ Lesson 8, Al-Kitaab

Read the text ???????? ?????????? ?? ??????? ??????? p. 249 from ????? ?????? .... ??????? ????? . Translate and vocalize. We will also read the part of the text on p. 248 that we did not finish last time.

Publisert 25. apr. 2014 13:24

Wednesday the 30th of April/ lesson 10, Al-Kitaab

Learn the vocabulary  under ?????? ??????? p. 204-205 and  ??? ??? p. 208. Complete nr.1 (sentences 2-5-6-7-10) p.209.  In nr.3 ??? just ask your colleagues questions 1-2-4-5-6-7 . In 3 ??? ask questions 1 and 3 using the opposite of the words in brakets. Each of you should ask and answer at least 4 questions.  Do nr.4 (b 1-2-4-5-6)

Publisert 16. apr. 2014 14:35

Thursday 24th of April/ lesson 9, Al-Kitaab

Do nr.1 ? p.274 and nr. 6 ( sentences 7 to 14). Listen to the text in nr.10  paragraphs 1+2 (from ????? ??  to ??? ... ) , fill in the missing words and answer these questions : ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? 

???? ???? ?? ????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ? 

??  ?? ???? ???? ????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ????? ???? ???? ???????? ??? ?? ?? ? ?????? ? 

You submit your answer (4 lines) to ONE of these questions.

Publisert 16. apr. 2014 14:05

Wednesday 23rd of April/ lesson 9, Al-Kitaab

Learn the Grammar p. 292-293-294 and do nr.21, 22, 23. Submit nr.24. In class ask and answer questions 3-4-5-7 in nr.25. Repeat chapter 32 in Abu Chakra.

Publisert 12. apr. 2014 15:26


  • iqru "text 56" (?af?a 137 fī kitāb M. ?allūn) wi-'?fi?ūh kilme-kilme ! (ya?ni ista?iddu la-"tams?īlu" quddām iz-zumala min ?ēr ma tbu??u fi l-kitāb)
  • iqru kamān "text 57" (?af?a 139) wi-kūnu ?ala 'sti?dād la-?i?ādit ?aky il-qi??e laz-zumala (mi?? ?arūri yikūn ?arfiyyan , bass lāzim ti?fa?u ?ahamm ?a?dās? il-qi??e, ya?ni il-?u?ū? ir-ra?issiyye -- wi-tinsū? in-nihāye l?-mlī?e)

illi ?indo waqt fā?i wi-biddo yitsalla ?way wi-y?ūf i?i ?ilw, mumkin yitfarra? ?ala film il-?udūd ?ala ?af?āt Yūtyūb. ra?-tistamti?u !

Publisert 5. apr. 2014 14:27

Thursday 10th of April/ lesson 9, Al-Kiaab.

In class discuss the 2 questions in nr.8  with classmates. Some will be asked to tell all the others what their opinions are. 

Write each of the expressions in a sentence ( p. 281 ? - ? - ? - ?).  You will be asked To read some of your sentences in class and then submit. Learn about ??????? ?? ???????? ??????(p.288-289) and the vocabulary p.273.

Publisert 5. apr. 2014 14:14

Wednesday 9th of April/ lesson 9, Al-Kitaab.

Learn the vocabulary in ?? ??????? p. 271-272, and verb ???? . Use this verb in questions and answers with your colleagues. Write a sentence with each of  ??? ??? ???? ? ?? ???? ?????? ? ?? ??????? ?? ? ??? after reading the examples ( p.280-290). To read in class and then submit. Learn the grammar p.287 and answer the questions in nr.16 using ?? ??????? ?????.

Publisert 3. apr. 2014 13:58

Monday the 7th of April / lesson 8, Al-Kitaab

Read the text (p.248) from the beginning till ???????? ??????????  translate and add ??????? from the beginning till ?????? ???? ?????? ??????

NB: do not forget the obligatory short essay you have to submit today. For details consult the message sent to you a month ago (emnesiden   9/3). 

Publisert 3. apr. 2014 13:53
Publisert 29. mars 2014 13:04

Thursday the 3rd of April/ Lesson 9, Al-Kitaab

Submit the missing words in nr.2 ( sentences 9-16). Write the missing words in nr. 3 (sentences 6 to 13) and 6 (1 to 6) . Write both the questions and the answers to 3 of the questions in nr.7 on a paper with your name. The teacher will gather and distribute the answers and ask you to tell the class what your colleague has written.

Publisert 29. mars 2014 12:47

Wednesday 2nd of April/ Lesson 9, Al-Kitaab

Learn the vocabulary under ?????? ??????? p.269...271. Do nr.2 (sentences 1 to 8), nr.3 ( 1 to 5)  and 4. With a colleague you ask and answer questions with 4 of the verbs suggested in nr.5 (after doing this in class you submit your questions).

Publisert 27. mars 2014 12:21

Monday 31st of March

Obligatory recitation. 

If time is left, we will finish the text ?????? ?????? and the exercises given for last Monday. Repeat chapter 39 (Conditional sentences) in ??? ????.

Publisert 27. mars 2014 12:21
Publisert 23. mars 2014 13:50

Thursday the 27th of March/ Lesson 8, Al-Kitaab.

Learn the grammar (p.251till 257) and do nr.18  and 20. Submit nr.19 (1 to 5).

Think about what you can say in class, in discussion with classmates, about an ethnic group (population) you know of in the world today. 


Publisert 23. mars 2014 13:39

Wednesday the 26th of March/ Lesson 8, Al-Kitaab

Page 243 and 244: in class read and translate the sentences with the new expressions . At home write one sentence with ???? ... ??/?? - ????? ?? - ?? ????? ????? - ??????  to read in class and then submit.

In nr.10, write down some ideas to discuss with classmates. Some groups will be asked to present what they discussed. 



Publisert 16. mars 2014 15:32

Monday the 24th of March/ Lesson 7, Al-Kitaab.

Read the text on page 219, vocalize and translate from ...??? ?????? ??????? till ???? ?? ???? ???. Page 216 answer nr.12 (alif). If you know a very short story you can tell it in Arabic (???? ?? ?????) in class (optional). 

Repeat chapter 27 in Abou Chakra.

Learn the vocabukaly under ?? ??????? p.235-236 in lesson 8.

Publisert 13. mars 2014 13:20

Thursday the 20th of March/ lesson 8, Al-Kitaab

Learn the verb p.236-237. Do nr.6 and 9 to read in class.

Discuss nr.5 (1-2-6).

Submit: write the missing words in nr.1 (sentences10 to16), and nr.8 (sentences 10 to 16).

You can read chapter 28 in ??? ????  with focus on (8-9-10). 

Publisert 13. mars 2014 13:20

Wednesday the 19th of March/ lesson 7, Al-Kitaab

Learn ?? ???????? p.225 and do exercise 19.

Lesson 8: Learn the vocabulary p.233, 234 and do nr.1 (sentences 1 to 9), and 4 (just find the verbs) and 7. In class discuss nr.5 (3-4-5).

Submit nr.3 and only the missing words in nr.8 (sentences 1 to 10).

Publisert 13. mars 2014 12:47

Monday the 17th of March/ lesson 7, Al-Kitaab

Read the text on p.217. Vocalize and translate paragraphs 1 and 3.

Answer questions 1 and 4 in nr.13 p. 218.


Publisert 13. mars 2014 12:41
Publisert 13. mars 2014 12:41
Publisert 13. mars 2014 12:40
Publisert 11. mars 2014 12:11

Thursday the 13th of March/ Lesson 7, Al-kitaab

In class, with a classmate, give and receive orders in nr.17 (1-2)

To submit: in nr 18, write a very short story (3-4 lines) using mainly ??? ????????.

Learn he vocabulary under ?? ??????? p.204/206.and do nr.4. Listen to the story in nr.10 and fill in the blanks from the paragraph starting with ? ????????????????????? ???  ???? till ???????? ????????.