Wednesday 3/2
Complete nr. 2 and 3 p. 42-43 to read in class ?? ???????. To submit nr.3 p.71. Translate to Arabic the following sentences to read in class:
1- Most of the Arabic countries have lived long years under the tyranny of their leaders.
2- Hunger has spread in many towns and villages in Syria and caused the death of many civilians.
3- There are different opinions about the way (how) Islam spread so quickly in Europe and Asia.
4- Many Arabs feel that they cannot express themselves freely for fear of the repression of the regimes in their countries.
5- Most European countries focus on finding ( creating) solutions to the problem of refugees which has no precedent in recent years.
6- These weapons are (+ were) used in wars against the civilian populations and cause (+ caused) a great deal of damage.
To discuss in class (in groups) p.73 nr.7.