The following is a recommended reading list - exact selection of background and reference literature depends on students' selection of topic for the semesteroppgave
Arab Media & Society,
Carrington Malin: Middle East & North Africa Twitter Demographics & User Habits Survey, August 2009. Spot OnPublic Relations. Summary. Fulltext.
Brian Ulrich: "Historicizing Arab blogs: Reflections on the transmission of ideas and information in Middle Eastern history" in Arab Media & Society, 8/2009. ISBN:?1687-7721. Fulltext.
Bruce Etling, John Kelly, Robert Faris & John Palfrey: Mapping the Arabic Blogosphere: Politics, Culture, and Dissent, 6/2009. Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Omtale. Fulltext.
Aziz Douai: "Offline Politics in the Arab Blogosphere: Trends and Prospects in Morocco" in Adrienne Russell & Nabil Echchaibi: International Blogging: Identity, Politics, and Networked Publics, 2009. Peter Lang. ISBN:?978-1-4331-0234-9. Blurb.
Eugenia Siapera: "Theorizing the Muslim Blogosphere: Blogs, Rationality, Publicness, and Individuality" in Adrienne Russell & Nabil Echchaibi: International Blogging: Identity, Politics, and Networked Publics, 2009. Peter Lang. ISBN:?978-1-4331-0234-9. Blurb.
Gary Bunt: iMuslims: Rewiring the House of Islam, 2009. University of North Carolina Press. ISBN:?978-0-8078-5966-7. see Amazon.
[Marc Lynch]: "A history of blogging in the Middle East" in Darren Krape: Feb 2009. Fulltext.
Matthias Brückner & Johanna Pink (ed.): Von Chatraum bis Cyberjihad: Muslimische Internetnutzung in lokaler und globaler Perspektive, 2009. Ergon. ISBN:?978-3-89913-632-6. Blurb, table of content & full text search via search from publisher's home page.
David Faris: "Revolutions Without Revolutionaries? Network Theory, Facebook, and the Egyptian Blogosphere" in Arab Media & Society, Fall 2008. ISBN:?1687-7721. Fulltext.
Rasha A. Abdulla: "Arabic Language Use and Content on the Internet" in Hala Essalmawi (ed.): Bibliotheca Alexandria Access to Knowledge Toolkit (A2k), Sep. 2008. p. 112-130. Fulltext.
Ines Braune: Aneignungen des Globalen. Internet-Alltag in der arabischen Welt. Eine Fallstudie in Marokko, 2008. transcript Verlag. ISBN:?978-3-89942-971-8. Blurb & Introduction.
IDSC Poll Center: ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ????????? ????????, Sep. 2008. Information and Decision Support Center. Download page. Fulltext.
Tom Isherwood: "A new direction or more of the same? Political blogging in Egypt" in Arab Media & Society, 9/2008. ISBN:?1687-7721. Fulltext.
Pete Ajemian: "The Islamist opposition online in Egypt and Jordan" in Arab Media & Society, Winter 2008. ISBN:?1687-7721. Fulltext.
Yasmine El Rafie: "Bloggare utmanar den klassiska arabiskan" in Spr?ktidningen, 3/2008. Fulltext.
???????? ???????: ???? ??????? ????, 2008. IDSC. ISBN:?1687-6385. Omtale. Fulltext.
Daniel Kimmage: The al-Qaeda media nexus: The virtual network behind the global message, 2008. Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Fulltext.
Marc Lynch: "Young Brothers in Cyberspace" in Middle East Report, Winter 2007. Fulltext.
Marc Lynch: "Blogging the new Arab public" in Arab Media & Society, Spring 2007. ISBN:?1687-7721. Fulltext.
Rania Al Malky: "Rania Al Malky" in Arab Media & Society, 1 (Feb. 2007). ISBN:?1687-7721. Fulltext.
Albrecht Hofheinz: "Arab Internet use: popular trends and public impact" in Naomi Sakr: Arab Media and Political Renewal: Community, Legitimacy and Public Life, 2007. I.B.Tauris. ISBN:?978-1845113278. s. 56-78 & 178-184. See Amazon page.
Mohammed Ibahrine: New Media and Neo-Islamism: New Media's Impact on the Political Culture in the Islamic World, 2007. VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller. ISBN:?978-3836416559. See Amazon page. Fulltext.
Rasha A. Abdulla: The Internet in the Arab World: Egypt and Beyond, 2007. Peter Lang. ISBN:?978-0820486734. See Amazon.
Florian Harms: Cyberda'wa. Islamische Mission im Internet: Voraussetzungen, Analyse und Vergleich von da'wa-Sites im World Wide Web, 2007. Shaker. ISBN:?978-3-8322-6243-3.
Gabriel Weimann: Terror on the Internet: the new arena, the new challenge, 2006. United States Institute of Peace. ISBN:?978-1-929223-71-8. Google Books limited preview.
???? ????????: "???????? ?????? : ????? ???? ?????? ????" in ?????, 14 Jan 2006. Fulltext.
Yochai Benkler: The Wealth of Networks - How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom, 2006. Yale University Press. ISBN:?9780300110562. Wiki of the book. Fulltext.
Deborah L. Wheeler: The Internet in the Middle East: Global expectations and local imaginations in Kuwait, 2006. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press. ISBN:?0791465861. See Amazon page.
Elijah Zarwan: False Freedom: Online Censorship in the Middle Eastand North Africa, Nov. 2005. Human Rights Watch. HTML version. Fulltext.
Albrecht Hofheinz: "The Internet in the Arab world: Playground for political liberalisation", 2005. International Politics and Society. 3, s. 78-96. Fulltext.
Layla al-Zubaidi: Walking a Tightrope: News Media & Freedom of Expression in the Arab Middle East, 2004. Heinrich B?ll Foundation, Middle East Office. Fulltext.
Albrecht Hofheinz: "Das Internet und sein Beitrag zum Wertewandel in arabischen Gesellschaften" in Sigrid Faath (ed.): Politische und gesellschaftliche Debatten in Nordafrika, Nah- und Mittelost, 2004. Deutsches Orient-Institut. ISBN:?3-89173-086-1. p. 449-472. Zusammenfassungen der 5 Hauptteile des Sammelbandes. Fulltext.
Albrecht Hofheinz: Internet-Nutzung und Internetumfragen in Nordafrika, Nah- und Mittelost, 2004. Hamburg, Deutsches Orient-Institut. Erg?nzung zu Hofheinz, "Das Internet und sein Beitrag...". Fulltext.
W. Sean McLaughlin: "The use of the Internet for political action by non-state dissident actors in the Middle East" in First Monday, vol. 8 nr. 11 (Nov. 2003). Fulltext.
Gary R. Bunt: Islam in the digital age: e-jihad, online fatwas and Cyber-Islamic Environments, 2003. London, Pluto Press. ISBN:?0-7453-2099-6 ib.0-7453-2098-8 h. 237 s. Also see author's web page and blog.
Jon W. Anderson: "New media, new publics: reconfiguring the public sphere of Islam" in Social Research, 70/3 (Fall 2003). p. 887-906. Abstract. Fulltext.
Dale F. Eickelman & John W. Anderson (eds): New media in the Muslim world: the emerging public sphere, 2003. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. ISBN:?0-253-34252-x ib.0-253-21605-2 h. 2nd edn. Google Books preview (incl. full text of Anderson, “The Internet and Islam’s new interpreters”).
Barry M. Leiner, Vinton G. Cerf, David D. Clark, Robert E. Kahn, Leonard Kleinrock, Daniel C. Lynch, Jon Postel, Larry G. Roberts, Stephen Wolff: A Brief History of the Internet, last revised 10 Dec 2003. Internet Society. Written by the Internet’s creators. Fulltext.
Michael Dahan: "Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Changing Public Sphere of Palestinian Israelis" in Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Jan. 2003. Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California. ISBN:?1083-6101. Fulltext.
James Piecowye: "Habitus in Transition? CMC use and impacts among young women in the United Arab Emirates" in Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Jan. 2003. Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California. ISBN:?1083-6101. Fulltext.
Olivier Roy: Globalized Islam: The Search for a New Ummah, 2004. Hurst. ISBN:?1-85065-598-7. orig. French: L'islam mondialisé, Paris: Seuil, 2002. See Amazon page.
Grey E. Burkhart & Susan Older: The Information Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa, 2003. RAND’s National Defense Research Institute. ISBN:?0-8330-3323-9. Fulltext.
Marcus Franda: Launching into cyberspace: Internet development in five world regions, 2002. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. ISBN:?1-58826-012-7 ib.1-58826-037-2 h. Chapters 1-3.
????? ???? ???????: "??????? ?????? ?? ???????? : ???? ???? ??? ????? ????? ????" in ?????? : ???? ????? ???????, 7/2000. ISBN:?0261-0876. p. 21-26. Fulltext.
Daniel Miller & Don Slater: The Internet: An Ethnographic Approach, 2000. Berg. ISBN:?9781859733899. Amazon page.
Eric Goldstein: The Internet in the Mideast and North Africa: free expression and censorship, 1999. New York, Human Rights Watch. ISBN:?1-56432-235-1. Downloadable HTML version. Fulltext.
Jon B. Alterman: New media, new politics? From satellite television to the Internet in the Arab world, 1998. Washington, DC: The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. ISBN:?0944029280. 80 p.
Jan Svennevig: Spr?klig samhandling: innf?ring i kommunikasjonsteori og diskursanalyse, 2., rev. utg. 2009. Cappelen. ISBN:?9788202296889.
Arne N?ss: En del element?re logiske elementer, 1975. Universitetsforlag. ISBN:?82-00-01383-9.