Information regarding submission of the …

Information regarding submission of the Semester assignment.

The semester assignment is to be submitted in the designated folder under ”Submission”. Please take note of the following:

Your assignment should have a front page where you state the course code, term, your candidate number and the title of the assignment.

Use line spacing: 1 ?, margins: 2,5cm, 12p font size (Times New Roman or similar).

You will find your candidate number in studentweb under ”innsyn”/”status” prior to the submission date, and you must write the candidate number on top of each page as well as on the front page. Use for instance the header-tool (Word).You can NOT write your name on the assignment.

Insert page numbers on each page.

Remember to include a bibliography.

The front page and the bibliography are an addition to the paper itself.

Submit the file as a doc-format, rtf-format or PDF. Do NOT submit the file as a odt-format (OpenOffice) or docx-format (Word 2007). You can easily save your document as a doc- or rtf-file using OpenOffice or Word 2007.

Your draft is to be sumbitted before 15.00 on March 27. The draft should be ca. 1 page, and should include essay title, chapter titles, brief content of each chapter and literature list.

Published Jan. 16, 2009 9:56 PM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2009 9:59 PM