
Published Apr. 4, 2023 12:56 PM

EAST4540 presentations are going to proceed in the following order:


April 17:


Lasse Midling-Jenssen Gautestad


Oda Kristine Sigurdsdatter Hanssen


Eirik Bryhn Jacobsen


Shi Liu


David Mossleth


April 24:


Karoline Holm?y Nyhammer


Oda May R?nes


Stein Vidar Tuntland


Qiao Zhu


One presentation is supposed to take ca 10-15 minutes in toto, with ca 5 minutes of discussion following it.


The current order of presentations is alphabetical. If you would like to move your presentation to another day, please, try to reach a personal agreement with someone whos...

Published Mar. 15, 2023 10:06 AM

Dear all,

It is time now to evaluate your experiences with EAST4540 so far.  May I kindly ask you to do your mid-term evaluation for our subject, by answering the questions here: ?

Thank you very much in advance!


Published Jan. 23, 2023 9:40 AM

preliminary draft of your term paper has to be submitted, preferably to Canvas, by March 20, 2023, 11.00. The draft should be approximately 1200-1600 words and encompass title, subtitle, chapter titles, brief contents of each chapter, and a literature list. The drafts lacking the literature list are not considered valid. The title should be selected in the beginning of the semester in cooperation with the teacher responsible for this subject (Vladimir Tikhonov -