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Forestillinger om Europa – og ?de andre?
- Anderson, Benedict [1983] 1996. Forestilte fellesskap. Refleksjoner omkring nasjonalismens opprinnelse og spredning. Spartacus (250 s.)
- *Bauman, Richard og Charles L. Briggs 2003: "Introduction". I: Voices of Modernity. Language Ideologies and the Politics of Inequality. Cambridge University Press, s. 1–18 (18 s).
- *Davis, Kathleen 2000. “Time Behind the Veil: The Media, the Middle Ages, and Orientalism Now”, i Cohen, J. J. The Postcolonial Middle Ages. St. Martin Press s. 105-122 (17 s.)
- *Harbsmeier, Michael 1988: “Europas oppdagelse? i Boll-Johansen og Harbsmeier (red), Europas opdagelse, historien om en idé.Chr. Ejlers forlag, K?benhavn, s. 82-114 (32 s.)
- *Mogens Trolle Larsen, 1988: ?Europas lys? i Boll-Johansen, Hans og Harbsmeier, Michael (red), Europas opdagelse, historien om en idé. Chr. Ejlers forlag,, K?benhavn, s. 9-37 (28 s.)
- Pocock, J.G.A., 1997: ?What do we mean by Europe??, The Wilson Quarterly, 21/1, 1997, s.12-29. (17 s)
- *Smith, Julia: ?Introduction? og ?Speaking and Writing? i Europe after Rome: A New Cultural History. Oxford University Press, 2005,s. 1-50 (50 s.)
Kunnskapens medier og teknologier
- *Bjerring-Hansen, Jens og Torben Jelsbak, 2010: “Introduktion” i Bjerring-Hansen og Jelsbak (red), Boghistorie. Aarhus, s. 7-40. (33 s.)
- Blair, Ann, 2003, “Reading strategies for coping with information overload”. Journal of the History of Ideas , Vol. 64, s. 11-28. (17 s.)
- Burke, Peter 2007. “Cultures of Translation in Early Modern Europe”, i P. Burke & R. Po Hsia Cultural Translation in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge University Press, s. 7-11 og 24-38 (16 sider).
- *Boasson, Frode og Anders Skare Malvik: Digital humaniora, mediehistorie og litter?re subjektivitetsuttrykk. Om forholdet mellom norsk litteratur og utviklingen av den kommersielle pressen 1855–1900 i et DH-perspektiv. Norsk litteraturvitenskapelig tidsskrift, 2019(02), pp.146-167 (19s)
- *Carruthers, Mary, 1998: The Craft of Thought: Meditation, Rhetoric, and the Making of Images, 400-1200 (CUP, 1998), s. 7-44. (37 s.)
- *Vestrheim, Gjert: Klassisk retorikk. Dreyers forlag, 2018, s. 67-70 (“Retorikkens fem deler”), s. 77-85 (“Tekniske overtalelsesmidler” og “Etos?), s. 107-114 (?Patos?), s. 124-130 (?Logos? og ?Enthymem?). Tils. ca. 25 s.
- *Hobart, Michael E. og Zachary S. Schiffman 1998. Information Ages. Literacy, Numeracy, and the Computer Revolution. Johns Hopkins University Press, s 1–84 (83 s.)
- Johns, Adrian 2015: “The coming of print to Europe”. I Leslie Howsam (red.), The Cambridge Companion to the History of the Book. Cambridge University Press, s. 107-124. Finnes online p? UB (18 s.)
- Tangherlini, Timothy and Peter Leonard 2013: “Trawling in the Sea of the Great Unread: Sub-corpus topic modeling and Humanities research”, Poetics 41/2013, s. 725–749. (24 s.)
- Venuti, L. 2000. “Genealogies of Translation Theory: Jerome”, i L. Venuti (red.) The Translation Studies Reader. Routledge, s. 483-502 (19 sider).
- Woodmansee, Martha 1984: “The Genius and the Copyright: Economic and Legal Conditions of the Emergence of the'Author''. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol. 17, No. 4, s. 425–448. (23 s.)
- ?demark, J. & Engebretsen E. 2018. “Expansions”, i Lieven D’hulst & Yves Gambier (red.) A History of Modern Translation Knowledge. Sources, concepts, effects. John Benjamin's, s. 85-90 (5 sider).
Kunnskapens steder og akt?rer
- Bynum, Caroline Walker, 1987: Holy Feast and Holy Fast: The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women. Berkeley: University of California Press, s. 150-296 (146 s.)
- * Daston, L. (2017): ”The History of Science and the History of Knowledge”, KNOW, A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge, 1 (1): 131-154. (23s)
- * Findlen, Paula 2001: "Building the house of Knowledge. The Structures of Thought in late Renaissance Europe". I: T. Fr?ngsmyr (red): The Structure of Knowledge: Classifications of Science and Learning since the Renaissance, University of California Press, s. 5-51 (46 s.)
- *Grafton, Anthony 2009: "The Republic of Letters". I: Worlds made by Words. Scholarship and Community in the Modern West. Harvard University Press, s. 9-34 (25 s.)
- *Jacob, Christian 2017: "Lieux de savoir: Places and Spaces in the History of Knowledge". KNOW, vol 1, hft 1, s.85-102 (17 s.)
- *Pal, Carol, 2012, The Republic of Women. Rethinking the Republic of Letters in the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge University Press, s. 1-77 (77 s.)
- Miller, Peter N., 2000: Peiresc's Europe. Learning and Virtue in the Seventeenth Century. New Haven & London, Yale University Press, (234 s.)
Kultur- og Historieteori
- *Appleby, Joyce, Lynn Hunt og Margareth Jacob 1995: "Scientific History and the Idea of Modernity", i Telling the Truth About History (kapittel 2). W. W. Norton & Company s. 52-90 (38 s.)
- *Eriksen, Anne 2016: "Entangled Genealogies. History and the Notion of Tradition." Ethnologia Europaea, vol 46.(2) s. 91-105 (14 s.)
- Foucault, Michel 1999. Viljen til viten (= Seksualitetens historie bd. 1). Oslo, EXIL (eller annen utgave), 198 s.
- Gadamer, Hans-Georg 2004. “The elevation of the historicity of understanding to the status of a hermeneutic principle”, i Truth and Method (Part II Chap. 4.1) . London/NY: Continuum, 2. utg. s. 268-306 (=Part II Chap. 4.1 (38 s.) (f?s gjennom UB online, finnes ogs? i norsk oversettelse ved Lars Holm-Hansen p? Pax)
- *Hobsbawm, Eric 1983: "Introduction: Inventing Traditions", i: Eric Hobsbawm & Terence Ranger: The Invention of Tradition, Canto, London (eller annen utgave), s.1-14 (14 s.)
- *Koselleck, Reinhart 1985. "Historia Magistra vitae" (s.21-38) og "Spaces of Experience and horizon of Expectation: Two historical Categories" (s. 267-288), i Futures past. On the Semantics of Historical Time. Kapitlene "Historia Magistra vitae" (s.21-38).Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press (36 s.)
- *Skoie, Mathilde 2009. ?Hva er antikkresepsjon? En kort innf?ring i et forskningsfelt?, i Skoie, M. og Vestrheim, G. Antikken i ettertiden. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2009, s. 11-31 (20 s.)
- Smith, Bonnie G., 1995, “Gender and the Practices of Scientific History: The Seminar and Archival Research in the Nineteenth Century”, The American Historical Review, 100/4/, s. 1150–1176 (26 s.)
- Toulmin, Stephen og Goodfield, June 1965: The discovery of Time. Chicago, University of Chicago Press (280 s.)
1996 sider.