
Published Sep. 19, 2006 5:39 PM

As a student at JAP4003 you are invited to participate in the evaluation of the teaching of this course. The questions are sent to you by e-mail at your student account number, and we kindly ask you to anwer the questions to help us improve the quality of our courses.

Published Aug. 23, 2006 1:52 PM


21 August - 6 September

M 21 Aug Intro, Overview, history, prehistory Phonology, morphology, syntax

W 23 Aug Dialects and variation

Reading for this week:

  • Shibatani ch.9
  • Miller ch.4
  • Tsujimura ch.7.3
  • Sat? 2002, 'CD "Okuni-kotoba de kiku Momotar?" kaisetsu', pp.1-7 (from the end)

M 28 Aug Dialects and variation

Reading for this week:

  • Sat? 2002, 'H?gen no kiso-chishiki', pp.330-365.

W 30 Aug Dialects and variation

M 4 Sept Boku wa unagi da

Reading for this week:

  • Okutsu 1993, pp. 7-66.

W 6 Sept Boku wa unagi da

F 8 Sept Kos and questions