Extended bibliography
Aidt, Toke S. (2009) “Corruption, Institutions, and Economic Development”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy 25(2), pp. 271-291.
Baidu Baike (百度百科) (Baidu encyclopedia) (2014) “四菜一汤”, , online: http://baike.baidu.com/view/21842.htm, last accessed: 26.06.2014.
Bandurski, David & Martin Hala (2010) “Corruption Reporting. Mapping Li Zhen’s Rise to Power” Bandurski, David & Martin Hala (eds) Investigative Journalism in China: Eight Cases in Chinese Watchdog Journalism, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, pp. 127-146.
Bauhr, Monika (2012) “Need or Greed Corruption?”, in: Holmberg, S?ren & Bo Rothstein (eds) Good Government. The Relevance of Political Science, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 68-86.
Chan, Kin-man (2000) “Towards an Integrated Model of Corruption: Opportunities and Control in China”, International Journal of Public Administration 23(4), pp. 507-551.
Chen, Xin (2005) “The Reform Discourse and China’s War on Corruption”, in: Tarling, Nicholas (ed.) Corruption and Good Governance in Asia, London: Routledge, pp. 39-62.
Gong, Ting (2003) “More Than Mere Words, Less Than Hard Law: A Rhetorical Analysis of China’s Anti-Corruption Policy”, Public Administration Quarterly 27(1/2), pp. 159-187.
Gong, Ting & Jianming Ren (2013) “Hard Rules and Soft Constraints: Regulating Conflict of Interest in China”, Journal of Contemporary China 22(79), pp. 1-17.
Heberer, Thomas (2009a) “Corruption”, in: Leese, Daniel (ed.) Brill’s Encyclopedia of China, Leiden: Brill; online: http://referenceworks.brillonline.com/entries/encyclopedia-of-china/
Heberer, Thomas (2009b) “Guanxi”, in: Leese, Daniel (ed.) Brill’s Encyclopedia of China, Leiden: Brill; online:
Ko, Kilkon & Cuifen Weng (2011) “Critical Review of Conceptual Definitions of Chinese Corruption: A Formal-Legal Perspective”, Journal of Contemporary China 20(70), pp. 359-378.
Ko, Kilkon & Cuifen Weng (2012) “Structural Changes in Chinese Corruption”, The China Quarterly 211, pp. 718-740.
Li, Ling (2011) “Performing Bribery in China: Guanxi-Practice, Corruption with a Human Face”, Journal of Contemporary China 20(68), pp. 1-20.
Lollar, Xia Li & Anne Wing Hamilton (2010) “Patronage or Prebendalism? The ‘Mishu/Shouzhang’ Relationship and Corruption in Chinese Politics”, China Review 10(1), pp. 157-182.
Lü, Xiaobo (2000a) “Booty Socialism, Bureau-Preneurs, and the State in Transition: Organizational Corruption in China”, Comparative Politics 32(3), pp. 273-294.
Lü, Xiaobo (2000b) Cadres and Corruption. The Organizational Involution of the Chines Communist Party, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Manion, Melanie (2004) Corruption By Design. Building Clean Government in Mainland China and Hong Kong, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Mény, Y., & L. de Sousa (2001) “Corruption: Political and Public Aspects”, in: Smelser, Neil J. & Paul B. Baltes (eds) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Oxford: Pergamon, pp. 2824-2830.
Moses, Russell Leigh (2014) “China’s Anti-Graft Problem. Participation With Chinese Characteristics” [+ links], The Wall Street Journal – China Real Time, 18.04.2014, online: http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2014/04/18/chinas-anti-corruption-failure-public-participation-with-chinese-characteristics/, last accessed: 26.06.2014.
See further: http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/tag/new-citizens-movement/
Satyanand, Anand (2005) “Corruption: A Challenge for Modern Governance”, in: Tarling, Nicholas (ed.) Corruption and Good Governance in Asia, London: Routledge, pp. 265-271.
Song, Ling (2011) “Construction of Anti-Corruption Institutions and Culture in Traditional China and Its Implications for Modern China”, Social Sciences in China 32(4), pp. 162-175.
Takungpao (大公报) (2013) “外媒:习总反腐让人惊喜 薄熙来是民粹主义” (Foreign media: President Xi’s anti-corruption campaign a pleasant surprise, Bo Xilai a populist), 20.08.2013, online: http://news.takungpao.com/world/exclusive/2013-08/1840695.html, last accessed: 26.06.2014.
Tsai, Kellee S. (2007) Capitalism Without Democracy. The Private Sector in Contemporary China, Ithaka: Cornell University Press.
Wedeman, Andrew (2004) “Great Disorder under Heaven: Endemic Corruption and Rapid Growth in Contemporary China”, China Review 4(2), pp. 1-32.
Wedeman, Andrew (2005) “Anticorruption Campaigns and the Intensification of Corruption in China”, Journal of Contemporary China 14(42), pp. 93–116.
Wedeman, Andrew (2009) “China’s War on Corruption”, in: Gong, Ting & Stephen K. Ma (eds) Preventing Corruption in Asia: Institutional Design and Policy Capacity, London: Routledge, pp. 15-29.
Wu, Yiping & Zhu Jiangnan (2011) “Corruption, Anti-Corruption, and Inter-County Income Disparity in China” The Social Science Journal 48, pp. 435-448.
Xinhua (2012), 社科院发布《反腐倡廉蓝皮书》(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences publishes anti-corruption blue book), 20.12.2012, online: http://news.xinhuanet.com/legal/2012-12/20/c_114089170.htm, last accessed: 26.06.2014.
Xu, Zhiyong (2012) “中国新公民运动 (China’s new citizen movement)”, Xu Zhiyong’s blog, 15.11.2012, online: http://xuzhiyong2012.blogspot.no/2012/11/blog-post_9281.html, last accessed: 26.06.2014.
Yang, Dali (2007) “The Struggle against Corruption”, in: Wang, Gungwu & John Wong (eds) Interpreting China's Development, Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 38-43.
Yu, Yanmin (2008) “Corruption, Impact of Corruption and Measures to Curtail Corruption in China”, in: Guo, Sujian & Guo Baogang (eds), China in Search of a Harmonious Society, Lanham: Lexington Books, pp. 229-246.
Yu, Zhigang (2011) “China’s System of Anti-Corruption Charges: The Tightening-up Process and Future Development”, Social Sciences in China 32(4), pp. 128-147.
Zhang, Weiying (2012) “反腐败的两难选择 (The anti-corruption dilemma)”, Speech at the 经济观察 (economic observer) annual conference on reforms in China, 19. December 2012, Beijing.