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mvh Instituttet
Noen praktiske opplysninger i forbindelse med innlevering av essay:
- Essayet leveres i to eksemplarer til Ekspedisjonskontoret i 4. etg. PAM i ?pningstiden mellom kl.12:30 - 15:00. Innleveringsfrist er 24. november 2006.
- Oppgaven p?f?res kandidatnummer, emnekode, navn p? emnet, og semester. Kandidatnummer henter du i Studentweb.
HUSK ? levere obligatorisk erkl?ring sammen med oppgaven.
ENGLISH: The date for the submission of the final essay is November 24th 2006. The essay should be handed in at the Departmens office at the 4th floor in the PAM building between 12:30-15:00 PM. Please remember to write:
- your candidate number (you find it in Studentweb)
- code and name of the course
- term
We need two copies of the essay.
Vacancy as a trainee at the Norwegian Embassy in Seoul, see Praktikantstilling
Ch.Armstrong's "Korean Society" is now available as an electronic book from here: Korean society : civil society, democracy, and the state
Course in how to use Bibsy Ask/Library orientation
- Bibsys Ask-orientation - basic
- Bibsys Ask-orientation - related to subject area
- Guided tour in the library (The Georg Sverdrup building)
Choose one of the following days: 1/9, 4/9, 5/9, 6/9. All days 12.15 – 14.30. Room 3529 (”Kursrom”), the Georg Sverdrup building. Registration: or within 28.08.