
Published Nov. 9, 2016 3:03 PM

The term paper must be submitted in the "exam" folder in Fronter. The submission deadline is published on the semester page

The term paper should be 10 pages (2300 characters per page, excluding spaces), not including the front page and the list of references.  You will find important information regarding submission and format guidelines on the IKOS web page.

Please include your candidate number (NOT your name) on the front page and in the header of each page of the answer paper. Your candidate number will be available in Student web no later than one week before the submission deadline.

Remember to also include your candidate number in the file name.

Contact your student advisor before the deadline if you are...

Published Sep. 5, 2016 12:51 PM

A document on using sources correctly has been uploaded in Fronter. It is important to familiarize yourself with this information before writing your term paper.

Published Aug. 10, 2016 5:03 PM

Dear students,

The first drafts of the essays (semesteroppgave) by the students are to be submitted through Fronter to the teacher by October the 11th, 15.00, for preliminary evaluation and approval!

Vladimir Tikhonov