
Europas kulturhistorie 1500 til i dag – tematisk overblikk

Ariès, Philippe: Centuries of Childhood. A Social History of Family Life, 1979 (eller annen utgave). Harmondsworth: Penguin. Del 1. ca 150 sider.

Burke, Peter: Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe, London 1978 (eller annen utgave). Temple Smith. Kap 1 og 2 (The discovery of the People + Unity and Variety in Popular culture), kap 8 og 9 (The Triumph of Lent + Popular Culture and Social Change). 152 sider.

J.H.Elliot: The Old World and the New: 1492-1650, Cambridge University Press. 1992 (eller annen utgave). 120s.

Frykman, Jonas og Orvar L?fgren: Det kultiverte mennesket, Oslo 1994 (eller annen utgave). Pax forlag . 244 sider.

Grafton, A. og Rice, E.F.: The Foundations of Early Modern Europe, 1460-1559, 1994. W. W. Norton & Co.: 2nd Revised edition. 200 sider.

Wahrman, Dror: The Making of the Modern Self. Identity and Culture in Eighteenth-century England, 2004. New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press. s 1-153.

Publisert 8. apr. 2010 16:01 - Sist endret 24. aug. 2010 12:16