

Andersson, A: The art of Scandinavia, vol. 2, 1970. London. (mastercopy at shelf in Reading Room, MAS).

Diebold, W.J.: Word and image. An introduction to early medieval art, 2000. Boulder, Col. (mastercopy at shelf in Reading Room, MAS).


European Background

Stalley, R: Early Medieval Architecture, 1999. Oxford. Chapter 1: The Christian Basilica, pp.17-36; Ch. 4 Secular Architecture, ch. 5 Patron and Builder, ch. 6 Art and Engineering, pp.83-146; Ch. 8 Architecture and Monasticism, pp.167-189.

Coldstream, N.: Medieval Architecture, 2002. Oxford. Ch. 4 Architectural Space, pp.98-104, 123-147.

Scandinavian Monuments

Stave Churches

Anker, P.: The art of Scandinavia, vol.1, 1970. London. pp.201-213, 377-383.

Hohler, E.B.: Norwegian stave church sculpture, vol.1, 1999. Oslo. Ch.4 The origins, ch. 5 The Production, pp. 29-51.

Ahrens, C.: Om "stavkirkeproblematiken". I: Foreninger til norske fortidsminnesmerkers bevaring. ?rbok 1994, 1994. pp.37-50 (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Stone Churches

Andersson, A.: The art of Scandinavia, vol.2, 1970. Oslo. pp. 31-239 (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Liepe, L.: Medieval Stone Churches of Northern Norway, 2001. Troms?. pp.7-8, 57-73 (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

M?ller, E.: "En moderen j?vngammel med d?trene? Ribe domkirkes alder og betydning for jysk stenbyggeri" I: Streijflys over Danmarks bygningskultur. Festskrift til harald Langberg, redigert av R. Egevang, pp.83-98, 1979. K?benhavn. (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Harket, A.B. & Fuglesang, S.H.: Romanesque Animal Ornament. In: Tiere. Menschen. Gotter. Wikingerzeitliche Kunststile und ihre neuzeitliche Rezeption, edited by Muller-Will, M & Larsson, L.O., pp.195-213, 2001. Gottingen. (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).


European Background

Diebold, W.J.: Word and Image. An introduction to early medieval art, 2000. Boulder, Col. (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Fuglesang, S.H.: "Korsfestelsesikonografi" I: 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 i kilder til vikingtid og nordisk middelalder, KULTs skriftserie no.46, redigert av Magnus Rindal, pp.7-26, 1995. Oslo. (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Scandinavian Monuments

Andersson, A.: The art of Scandinavia vol.2, 1970. London. pp.285-327 (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Anker, P.: "H?ymiddelalderens skulptur i stein og tre" I: Norges Kunsthistorie vol.2, redigert av K.Berg, pp.126-246, 1981.

Blindheim, M.: Scandinavian art and its relations to European art around 1200. I: Festskrift til Martin Blindheim, 1986 (First published 1975). Universitetets Oldsaksamlings Skrifter. Ny rekke, 7, Oslo. pp.91-129 (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Blindheim, M.: Painted Wooden Sculpture in Norway c.1100-1250, 1998. Oslo. Medieval art in Norway, pp.11-42 (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Nyborg, E.: The Holy Rood Crucifixion Group of Roskilde Cathedral and the Scandinavian Early Gothic. In: Hafnia. Copenhagen Papers in the History of Art, no.12, pp.161-195, 2003. (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Church furnishings and ars sacra

Nyborg, E.: Kirkens inredning og skatte. I: Vejle amts ?rbog 1999, 1999. pp.133-157 (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Solhaug, M.B.: Middelalderfonter som historisk kilder - en tverrfaglig utfordring. I: 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 i kilder til vikingtid og nordisk middelalder, KULTs skriftserie nr. 46, redigert av M. Rindal, pp.83-116, 1995. (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

N?rlund, P. & T.E. Christiansen: Gyldne altre - Jysk metalkunst fra Valdemarstiden, 2nd edition, 1968. K?benhavn. Chapters "English summary", pp. 221-246, and "Forty Years", pp.21-31 (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Kaspersen, S.: Gylne altre og nadverdsliturgi. I: Ting og tanke. Ikonografi p? liturgiska forem?l, redigert av I.Pegelow, pp.150 -166. Vitterhets historie och antikvitets akademiens handlinger. Antikvariska serien no.42. (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Nordhagen, P.J.: Kirkens sm?kunst. I: Norges Kunsthistorie vol.2, redigert av K. Berg, pp.350-374, 1981. Oslo. (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Fuglesang, Signe H.: Kristningstidens kirkeinventar: objekter og symboler. I: Middelalderens symboler, redigert av A. Christensson et al., pp.106-125, 1997. Bergen. (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).


Andersson, A.: The art of Scandinavia vol.2, 1970. London. pp.241-283 (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Haastrup, U and R. Egevang (edd.): Danske kalkmalerier vols. 1-3, 1986-9. K?benhavn.

Wichstr?m, A.: Maleriet i h?ymiddelalderen. I: Norges kunsthistorie vol.2, redigert av K. Berg, pp.252-314, 1981. Oslo. (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

Morgan, N.: Western Norwegian Painting 1250-1350: problems of dating, style and workshops. In: Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia XI, pp.9-24, 1995. (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

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Fuglesang, S.H.(edit.): Midelalderens bilder. Utsmykningen av koret i ?l Stavkirke, 1996. Oslo. pp.7-96.


Methodology of art history

L.O. Larsson: Metodel?re i kunsthistorie, 1997. Oslo.


Ackerman, J.S. (and R. Carpenter): Art and Archaeology, 1963. (The Princeton Studies) New Jersey. Ch.1The nature of Art History, pp.127-143; Ch.3 Style, pp.164-186; Ch.5 Genres and scholars, pp.196-229 (mastercopy at shelf in reading Room, MAS).

History of mentality


Southern, R.W.: The making of the Middle Ages, 1953. London.

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Pulsiano, P (ed.): Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopeadia., 1993. New York.

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Published Mar. 7, 2005 1:44 AM