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Artikler og bokkapitler:

  • Bellamy, Carla (2013): “An other’s world: Healing at Husain Tekri Sharif”, in Eliza F. Kent og Tazim R. Kassam (red.): Lines in Water: Religious Boundaries in South Asia. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, pp. 57-77.
  • Fr?ystad, Kathinka (2012): “The mediated guru”, in Jacob Copeman and Aya Ikegame (eds): The Guru in South Asia: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 282-201.
  • Fr?ystad, Kathinka (2019): “Affective digital images: Shiva in the Kaaba and the smartphone revolution”, in Paul Rollier, Kathinka Fr?ystad og Arild Engelsen Ruud (red): Outrage: The Rise of Religious Offence in Contemporary South Asia. London: UCL Press, pp. 123-148.
  • Gooptu, Nandini 2015:  “New spirituality, politics of self-empowerment, citizenship and democracy in contemporary India”, Modern Asian Studies vol. 50, no.3, pp. 934-974
  • Jacobsen, Knut A. (red.) (2001). Innledende essay, i Bhagavadgita og andre hinduistiske skrifter. Oslo: De norske bokklubbene, s. VII-XL.
  • Jacobsen, Knut A. (red.) (2004). Innledende essay, i Yoga. Oslo: De norske bokklubbene, s. VII-LIV.
  • Jacobsen, Knut A. (red.) (2011). Hinduismen i Norge, i Verdensreligioner i Norge. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, ss. 76-127.
  • Katju, Manjari (2019): “The history of Hindu Nationalism in India”, in Torkel Brekke (red.): Modern Hinduism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 203-215.
  • Leach, Robert (2014). "A religion of the book? On sacred texts in hinduism". Expository Times, 126(1):15-27.
  • Mallebrein, Cornelia (2004) “Creating a kshetra: Goddess Tarini of Ghatgaon and her Development from a Forest Goddess to Pan-Orissan Deity”, Journal of Social Sciences, 8:2, 155-165.
  • Narayanan, Vasudha (2000) “Diglossic Hinduism: Liberation and Lentils”, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Volume 68, Issue 4 pp. 761-79.


Tilleggslesning (innf?ringslitteratur):

- Jacobsen, Knut, 2009. Hva er hinduisme? Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Publisert 14. aug. 2020 13:23 - Sist endret 17. aug. 2020 12:36