
S?rasiatisk religion i diaspora- h?st 2005

Teoretiske perspektiver og analytiske kategorier

Religi?s/kulturell og sosial endring

Barth, Fredrik: Manifestasjon og prosesss, Oslo 1994. Universitetsforlaget. Kapitler som f?lger.

  • Kapittel 6 "Studiet av sosial endring", s 75 - 88.
  • Kapittel 8 "Analysen av kultur i komplekse samfunn", s 106 - 127.
  • Kapittel 11 "Opplysning eller mysterier? Transaksjoner om kunnskap, og konsekvenser for kulturformene i Syd?st-Asia og Melansesia", s 157 - 174.

* Sewell, William H., i: Sherry Ortner (ed.): The Fate of “Culture”; Geertz and Beyond", Berkeley (1997) 1999. University of California Press. "Geertz, Cultural Systems, and History: From Synchrony to Transformation", s 35 - 56.

* Knott, Kim, i: Steven Vertovec (ed.): Aspects of the South Asian Diaspora, Dehli 1991. Oxford University Press. "Bound to Change? The Religions of South Asians in Britain", s 86 - 111.

Lokalisering: perspektiver og strategier

* Baumann, G., i: D. Coppet: Understanding Rituals, London 1992. Routledge. "Ritual implicates Others: rereading Durkheim in a plural society", s 97 - 116.

* Schiffauer, W., i: T. Gerholm og Y.G. Lihman: The New Islamic Presence in Western Europe, London 1988. Mansell. "Migration and Religiousness”, s 146 - 158.


Shaw, Rosalind and Charles Stewart, i: Syncretism/Anti-Syncretis: The Politics of Religious Synthesism, London 1994. Routledge. “Introduction: Problematizing Syncretism” , s 1 - 27.


Vertovec, Steven: The Hindu Diaspora. Comparative Patterns, London 2000. Routledge. I serie: Global Diasporas.

* Helweg, Arthur, i: Steven Vertovec (ed.) : Aspects of the South Asian Diaspora, Delhi 1991. Oxford University Press. “Indians in Australia: Theory and Methodology of the New Immigration”, s 7 - 37.

S?rasiatere i diaspora - oversiktsverker

** Clarke et al. (eds.): South Asians Overseas, Cambridge 1990. Cambridge University Press. F?lgende kapitler.

  • "Introduction: themes in the study of South Asian diaspora", s 1 - 29.
  • Tinker, Hugh: "Indians in Southeast Asia: imperial auxiliaries", s 39 - 56.
  • Twaddle, Michael: "East African Asians through a hundred years", s 149 - 163.
  • Bhardaj and Rao: "Asian Indians in the United States: a geographic appraisal", s 197 - 217.

Coward et al. (eds.): The South Asian Religious Diaspora in Britain, Canada, and the United States, Albany 2000. State University of New York Press. Introduction, s 1 - 12, fra Part I, s 75 - 108, fra Part II, s 145 - 173, fra Part III, s 211 - 239, Conclusion s 277 - 289.

Muslimer i diaspora

Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck (ed.): Muslims in the West: From Sojourners to Citizens, 2002. Oxford University Press. F?lgende artikler.

  • Vogt, Kari: "Integration through Islam? Muslims in Norway", s 88 -101.
  • Roald, Anne Sofie: "From “People’s Home" to “Multiculturalism”: Muslims in Sweden", s 101 - 121.
  • Simonsen, J?rgen B?k: "Globalization in Reverse and the Challenge of Integration: Muslims in Denmark", s 121 - 131.

Metcalf, Barbara Daly (ed.): Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe, Berkeley 1996. University of California Press.

Yalcin-Heckmann, Lale, i: Charles Stewart and Rosalind Shaw (eds.): Syncretism/Anti-Syncretis: The Politics of Religious Synthesism, London 1994. Routledge. "Are fireworks Islamic? Towards and understanding of Turkish migrants and Islam in Germany", s 178 - 196.

Hinduer i diaspora

* Vertovec, Steven, i: Peter Van der Veer (ed.): Nation and Migration, Philadelphia 1995. University of Philadelphia Press. “Hindus in Trinidad and Britain”, s 132 - 156.

Van der Veer, Peter, i: Charles Stewart and Rosalind Shaw (eds): Syncretism/Anti-Syncretis: The Politics of Religious Synthesism, London 1994. Routledge. “Syncretism, multiculturalism and the discourse of tolerance", s 196 - 212.

* Burghart, Richard (ed.): Hinduism in Great Britain. The Perpetuation of Religion in an Alien Cultural Milieu, London 1987. Tavistock. s 223 - 251.

* Jacobsen, Knut: Hinduismen, 2003. Pax. "Den globale hinduismen og Hinduismen i Norge", s 248 - 252.

* Jacobsen, Knut, i : Kirke og Kultur, 4/5-97. ”Hinduismen i diaspora: Religi?s endring i norsk kontekst”, s 441 - 452.

Gupta, Ram E.: A Shift in Dharma, 2002. Hovedoppgave, IKS, UiO. s 11 - 21. Sammendrag. Fulltekst.

* Nye, Malory, i: New Community, vol. 19, no. 2, Jan. 1993. “Temple constructions and communities: Hindu constructions in Edinburgh", s 201 - 218.

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Published Apr. 21, 2005 9:51 AM - Last modified Aug. 29, 2005 12:23 PM