
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
07.09.2010Kathy Hansen (guestlecturer)? Seminarrom 2 P.A.Munchs hus Kl.16.15-18.00? Eroticism and Artistic Patronage in Pre-Colonial India? Lecture?
08.09.2010Kathy Hansen (guestlecturer) ? Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus Kl.16.15-18.00 ? Sanitization of Performance under Colonialism and Nationalism? Lecture?
09.09.2010Kathy Hansen (guestlecturer) ? Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus Kl.16.15-18.00 ? Devadasis and Dance Traditions in South India ? Lecture?
14.09.2010Kathy Hansen (guestlecturer) ? Seminarrom 2 P.A.Munchs hus Kl.16.15-18.00 ? Baijis and Classical Music in North India? Lecture?
15.09.2010Kathy Hansen (guestlecturer) ? Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus Kl.16.15-18.00 ? Female Impersonation and Parsi Theatre in Western India ? Lecture?
16.09.2010Kathy Hansen (guestlecturer) ? Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus Kl.16.15-18.00 ? Ritual and Transgenderism Today ? Lecture?
01.10.2010Fronter? Final hand in for the assignment (essay) in Fronter? ? ?
Published Aug. 5, 2010 1:22 PM - Last modified Sep. 8, 2010 4:45 PM