Multiling Winter School 2020
Issues in second language learning (with)in marginalized populations: research methods, language policy, teacher education, ideologies
In this winter school, participants will survey a number of critical issues related to learning a second or new language as a member of a marginalized or minoritized population. Topics will span educational linguistics, language policy, teacher education, and second language acquisition with an emphasis on second language literacy development. Formal and informal learning contexts will be compared and learners with various language and experiential backgrounds, and from all age groups will be included. Each topic will include empirical work that allows participants to problematize research methodology in terms of ethics, tools, representation of multilingual data and positionality of the researchers. Participants will be invited to reflect on the issues and research in this winter school through their own contexts and research initiatives.
Course teachers:
Professor Martha Bigelow, Department of Curriculum and Instruction University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
Professor Anne Golden,
Associate professor Toril Opsahl,
Professor Ingebj?rg Tonne
Publisert 31. okt. 2019 10:32
- Sist endret 4. des. 2019 15:18

Admission: To be admitted to the course you must be enrolled in a relevant PhD programme. Applicants from outside EU/E?S, apply here, in the online form. EU-residents: You apply through S?knadsweb (Application web). Choose University of Oslo as institution and proceed from there. Please upload a brief description of your PhD Project and an academic reference from your supervisor. When/if you get admission to the course, you will get your UiO username and password in an sms, so please be very accurate when typing your mobile-phone number in S?knadsweb.
S?knadsweb will be open for applicants between 1 November and 10 December 2019.
There is no course fee, but participants will have to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.
LingPhil (Norwegian Graduate Researcher School in Linguistics and Philology) members can apply for travel grant to participate in this course (external link).