Utvalde delar av / selected parts of
Johnson, David Cassels (2013). Language Policy. New York: Palgrave. (ca. 110 pages)
E- artiklar
Blommaert, J. 2009. Language, asylum, and the national order. Current Anthropology 50(4). 415–441. (26 s.)
Cameron, D. 2000. Styling the worker: Gender and the commodification of language in the globalized service economy. Journal of Sociolinguistics 4(3): 323-347. (24 s.)
Duchêne, A. 2009. Marketing, management and performance: Multilingualism as commodity in a tourism call centre. Language Policy 8(1): 27-50. (23 s.)
Gal , S. 2006. Contradictions of standard language in Europe: Implications for the study of publics and practices. Social Anthropology. 14(2): 163-181 (18 s.)
Heller, M. 2003. Globalization, the new economy, and the commodification of language and identity. Journal of Sociolinguistics 7(4): 473?492. (19 s.)
Hornberger, N. H., and Coronel-Molina, S. M. (2004). Quechua Language Shift, Maintenance, and Revitalization in the Andes: the Case for Language Planning. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 167: 9-67. (58 s.)
Jaspers, J. and S. van Hof. 2013. Hyperstandartisation in Flanders. Extreme enregistrement and its aftermath. Pragmatics 23,2: 331-359. (28 s.)
Kelly-Holmes, H., Milani, T. M. 2011. Introduction: Thematizing multilingualism in the media. Journal of Language and Politics, 10 (4): 95-119 (24 s.)
King, K. & L. W. Fogle. (2013) Family language policy and bilingual parenting, Language Teaching, 46(2): 172-194. (22 s.)
King, K., L. W. Fogle, & A. Logan-Terry. (2008) Family Language Policy, Language and Linguistics Compass2.5
: 907-922. (15 s.)
Lane, P. 2011. The Birth of the Kven Language in Norway: Emancipation through state recognition. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 209: 57-74 (17 s.)
Milani, T. M. (2008). Language testing and citizenship: A language ideological debate in Sweden. Language in Society, 37(1): 27-59. (32 s.)
Piller, I. and J. Cho. 2013. Neoliberalism as Language Policy. Language in Society 42, 23–44. (21 s.)
Ricento, T. (2000). Historical and Theoretical Perspectives in Language Policy and Planning. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 4(2): 196-213. (17 s.)
Urciuoli, B. 2008. Skills and selves in the new workplace. American Ethnologist 35(2): 211-228. (17 s.)
Artiklar/utdrag i kompendium
Bauman, R., and C. L. Briggs (2003). Language Philosophy as a Language Ideology John Locke and Johann Gottfried Herder. In P. V. Kroskrity (Ed.), Regimes of Language. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press. pp. 139-204. (65 s.)
Heller, M. & Duchêne, A. 2011. Pride and profit: changing discourses of language, capital and nationstate. In: Duchêne, A. & Heller, M. (eds.), Language in Late Capitalism: Pride and Profit. London: Routledge, pp. 1-21. (21 s.)
Heller, M., and A. Duchêne (2007). Discourses of endangerment: Sociolinguistics, globalization and social order. In A. Duchêne & M. Heller (Eds.), Discourses of Endangerment: Ideology and Interest in the Defense of Language. London & New York: Continuum. pp. 1-13 (13 s.)
Heller, M., & Martin-Jones, M. (2001). Introduction: Symbolic Domination, Education and Linguistic Difference. In M. Heller & M. Martin-Jones (Eds.), Voices of Authority: Education and Linguistic Difference (pp. 1–28). Westport: Ablex Publishing. pp 1-28. (28 s.)
Jaffe, A. (2001). Authority and Authenticity: Corsican Discourse on Bilingual Education. In M. Heller & M. Martin-Jones (Eds.), Voices of Authority: Education and Linguistic Difference. Westport: Ablex Publishing. pp. 269-298. (29 s.)
Jaffe, A. 2011. Sociolinguistic diversity in mainstream media: Authenticity, authority and processes of mediation and mediatization. Journal of Language and Politics, 10 (4): 1-22. (22 s.)
Lane, P. (Under review). Language standardisation and the role of users, Language Policy (ca. 25 s.)
Lanza, E. (2007). Multilingualism in the family. In Handbook of Multilingualism and Multilingual Communication. Edited by P. Auer & Li Wei, 45 – 67. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (22 s)
Linn, Andrew R. (2010). Voices from above – voices from below. Who is talking and who is listening in Norwegian language politics? Current Issues in Language Planning 11 (2), 114-129. (15 s.)
Ljosland, Ragnhild (2011). English as an Academic Lingua Franca: Language policies and multilingual practices in a Norwegian university. Journal of Pragmatics 43 (2011) 991–1004 (13 s.)
R?yneland, Unn (2013): “The voice from below”: Norwegian language reforms in the 21st century. In Lohndal, Terje (ed.) In Search of Universal Grammar: From Old Norse to Zoque. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 53-76. (23 s.)
Schwartz, M. & A. Verschik. (2013). Achieving success in family language policy: Parents, children and educators in interaction. In Successful Family Language Policy. Parents, Children and Educators in Interaction. Edited by M. Schwartz and A. Verschik, 1 – 20, Dordrecht: Springer. (20 s.)
Van Avermaet, P. (2009) Fortress Europe? Language policy regimes for immigration and citizenship. in: G Hogan-Brun, C Mar-Molinero, P Stevenson (eds) Discourses on Language and Integration: Critical Perspectives on Language Testing Regimes in Europe. J. Benjamins, pp. 1 – 13 (13 s.)
Weber, E. (1977). Peasants into Frenchmen. The Modernization of Rural France, 1870-1914. London: Chatto & Windus. pp. 67-94 (27 s.)
Additional (optional) reading
Deumert, A., & Vandenbussche, W. (2003). Research directions in the study of language standardization. In A. Deumert & W. Vandenbussche (Eds.), Germanic Standardizations: Past to Present (pp. 455–469). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Jahr, E. H. (2003). Norwegian. In A. Deumert & W. Vandenbussche (Eds.), Germanic Standardizations: Past to Present (pp. 157–192). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
King, K. & L. W. Fogle. (2013) Family language policy and bilingual parenting, Language Teaching, 46(2): 172-194. (22 pages—more general background overview of literature)
Linn, Andrew R. (2014). Parallel languages in the history of language ideology in Norway and the lesson for Nordic higher education. Hultgren, Gregersen & Th?gersen, English in Nordic Academia: Ideology and Practice. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Hansen (Z. S.), Jógvan í Lon Jacobsen & Eivind Weyhe (2003). Faeroese. In A. Deumert & W. Vandenbussche (Eds.), Germanic Standardizations: Past to Present (pp. 331–354). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.