King, Gareth: Modern Welsh: A Comprehensive Grammar, 2002. Routledge Paperback . ISBN:?0-415-09269-8.
King, Gareth, (editor) : The Pocket Modern Welsh Dictionary: A Guide to the Living Language , MArch 2, 2000. Oxford University Press. Paperback.
Rhys Jones, T.J.: Teach Yourself Welsh, 1991. Hodder and Stoughton. ISBN:?0-340-495642. (Brukes mest p? egenh?nd).
Davies, Janet: The Welsh Language, 1993. University of Wales Press.
Williams, Gwyn: An Introduction to Welsh Literature, 1992. University of Wales Press, Cardiff .
T. Arwyn Watkins, Welsh & Robert Owen Jones: The sociolinguistics of Welsh , (Kap. 7 og 12) i Martin J. Ball & James Fife (ed.), _The Celtic Languages_. Routledge 1993 .
Williams, Stephen J.: A welsh grammar, 1980. University of Wales Press. ISBN:?0-7083-0735-3.
Referanseverk (anbefales):
Steven, Meic (ed.): The Oxford Companion to the Literature of Wales, 1986. Oxford University Press.