Androutsopoulos, J. og A. Georgakopoulou (ed.): Discourse Constructions of Youth Identities., 2003. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN:?90-272-5352-8 .
Drange, E.-M., U.-B. Kotsinas og A.-B. Stenstr?m (red.): Jallaspr?k. Slanguage og annet ungdomsspr?k i Norden., 2002. H?yskoleforlaget.. ISBN:?82-7634-421-6.
Meshthrie, R., J. Swann, A. Deumert & W. Leap: Introducing Sociolinguistics., 2000. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN:?0-7486-0773-0 (paperback). (a selection of ca. 350 p.).