

Heine, Bernd og Derek Nurse (red). 2000. African Languages: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ca 300 sider. Paperback. ISBN: 9780521666299


Om amharisk:

Yri, K.M. 2005. Cleft sentences in Amharic, with special reference to reference. 17 s.

Yri, K.M. 2006. Decategorialization of nouns as postpositions in Sidaamu Afo and Amharic. 16 s.

Om sidaama:

Yri, K.M. 2004. Orthography and phonology in Sidaama. 14 s.

Yri, K.M. (To appear in JALL.) The polysemy of a grammatical construction. 15 s.

Yri, K.M. (To appear.) A peculiarity of copula/case marking in Sidaama: Signalling modified/unmodified head. 8 s.

Yri, K.M. 2009. The singulative in Sidaamu Afo. 12 s.


Appleyard, David & Martin Orwin. 2008. The Horn of Africa: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somalia. I Andrew Simpson (red.), Language and National Identity in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 267 – 290. (22 s.)

Finlayson, Rosalie, Karen Calteaux, & Carol Myers-Scotton. 1998. Orderly mixing and accommodation in South African codeswitching. Journal of Sociolinguistics 2 (3): 395 – 420. (26 s.)

Lanza, Elizabeth & Hirut Woldemariam. 2008. Language ideology and linguistic landscape: Language policy and globalization in a regional capital of Ethiopia. I Elana Shohamy & Durk Gorter (red.), Linguistic Landscape. Expanding the Scenery. New York & London: Routledge, 189–205. (17 s.)

Kjelsvik, Bj?rghild (2008): (Chap. 4) The Nizaa in history and society, s. 91-138, og (Chap. 6) The school system in Cameroon, s. 215-234. I: Emergent speech genres of teaching and learning interaction. Communities of practice in Cameroonian schools and villages. PhD dissertation, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo. ISSN 0806-3222 (66 s.) I tillegg kommer bibliografien, s. 393-405, (12 s.)

Lo Bianco, Joseph. 2010. Language policy and planning. I Nancy Hornberger & Sandra Lee McKay (red.), Sociolinguistics and Language Education. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, s. 143 – 174. (32 s.)

Makoni, Sinfree & Pedzisai Mashiri. 2007. Critical historiography: Does language planning in Africa need a construct of language as part of its theoretical apparatus? I Sinfree Makoni & Alastair Pennycook (red.), Disinventing and Reconstituting Languages. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, s. 62 – 89. (18 s.)

McCormick, Kate. 2002. Code-switching, mixing and convergence in Cape Town. I Raj Mesthrie (red.), Language in South Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (s. 216 – 234). (17 s.)

Mesthrie, Raj. 2008. South Africa: The Rocky Road to Nation Building. I Andrew Simpson (red.), Language and National Identity in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 314 – 338. (25 s.)

Pennycook, A. 2010. Talking in the city: The linguistic landscaping of locality. I A. Pennycook, Language as a Local Practice. London: Routledge, s. 52 - 69. (18 s.)

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Kamwangamalu, Nkonko M. 2007. One language, multi-layered identities: English in a society in transition, South Africa. World Englishes (26): 263 – 275. (14 s.)

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Ethnologue: Languages of the World:

Publisert 13. okt. 2010 16:40 - Sist endret 23. nov. 2010 13:48