
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
04.02.2010Jan Erik Rekdal? Sem.rom 2 SB 14.15-16? Isle of Man, the Celtic evidence? ?
11.03.2010Terje Spurkland? Sem.rom 2 SB 14.15-16? The Viking expansion in the Western Isles? ?
25.03.2010Terje Spurkland? Sem.rom 2. SB 14.15-16? The Manx and Norwegian coastal connection? ?
15.04.2010Terje Spurkland? Sem.rom 2 SB 14.15-16? ?urstain:raisti:krus:?an?? ?
28.04.2010On your own? In the air (and at sea?)? Arrival at Isle of Man? ?
29.04.2010Rekland? Isle of Man? Bus excursion? ?
30.04.2010Rekland? Isle of Man? Bus excursion? ?
01.05.2010Rekland? Douglas? Manx Heritage Museum? ?
02.05.2010On your own? In the air (and at sea?)? Departure. ? The song is over but the melody still lingers on. You have a 10 pages' paper to write!!?
Publisert 21. jan. 2010 11:14 - Sist endret 25. jan. 2010 10:38