Syllabus/achievement requirements

Approximately 500 pages are to be read in total. Approx. 300 pages compulsory literature according to the list of articles below. In addition to this students are to read approx. 200 pages of relevant literature at their own choice.

Compulsory literature

Hagland, Jan Ragnar: "Runes as Sources for the Middle Ages." Pp. 619-28. In Düwel, Klaus (ed.), in collaboration with Sean Nowak: Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplin?rer Forschung: Abhandlungen des Vierten Internationalen Symposiums über Runen und Runeninschriften in G?ttingen vom 4.-9. August 1995, 1998. Berlin: de Gruyter. ISBN:?3-11-015455-2. Reproduced in Runologi II: Blandingskompendium." Universitetet i Oslo, 2003.

Spurkland, Terje: "Runic Inscriptions as Sources for the History of Scaninavian Languages in the Middle Ages." Pp. 592-600. In Düwel, Klaus (ed.), in collaboration with Sean Nowak: Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplin?rer Forschung: Abhandlungen des Vierten Internationalen Symposiums über Runen und Runeninschriften in G?ttingen vom 4.-9. August 1995, 1998. Berlin: de Gruyter. ISBN:?3-11-015455-2. Reproduced in Runologi II: Blandingskompendium." Universitetet i Oslo, 2003.

Melnikova, Elena A.: "Runic Inscriptions as a Source for the Relation of Northern and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages." Pp. 647-59. In Düwel, Klaus (ed.), in collaboration with Sean Nowak: Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplin?rer Forschung: Abhandlungen des Vierten Internationalen Symposiums über Runen und Runeninschriften in G?ttingen vom 4.-9. August 1995, 1998. Berlin: de Gruyter. ISBN:?3-11-015455-2. Reproduced in Runologi II: Blandingskompendium." Universitetet i Oslo, 2003.

Knirk, James E.: "Runic Inscriptions Containing Latin in Norway." Pp. 476-507. In Düwel, Klaus (ed.), in collaboration with Sean Nowak: Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplin?rer Forschung: Abhandlungen des Vierten Internationalen Symposiums über Runen und Runeninschriften in G?ttingen vom 4.-9. August 1995, 1998. Berlin: de Gruyter. ISBN:?3-11-015455-2. Reproduced in Runologi II: Blandingskompendium." Universitetet i Oslo, 2003.

Spurkland, Terje: "K and B: One Grapheme or Two?" Pp. 269-78. In James E. Knirk (ed.): Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Runes and Runic Inscriptions, Grindaheim 1990, 1994. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet. ISBN:?91-506-1094-5. Reproduced in Runologi II: Blandingskompendium." Universitetet i Oslo, 2003.

Moltke, Erik: Runes and Their Origin: Denmark and Elsewhere, 1985. Copenhagen: Nationalmuseets Forlag. Pp. 398-504.

Jansson, Sven B. F.: Runes in Sweden, 1987. Stockholm: Gidlunds. Pp. 162-75.

Knirk, James E. “Learning to Write with Runes in Medieval Norway.” Pp. 169-212. In Inger Lindell (ed.): Medeltida skrift- och spr?kkultur: Nordisk medeltidsliteracy i ett diglossisk och digrafisk perspektiv II: Nio f?relesningar fr?n ett symposium i Stockholm v?ren 1992 med en inneledning av Barbro S?derberg, 1994. Stockholm: S?llskapet Runica et Medi?valia, Stockholms universitet. S?llskapet Runica et Medi?valia, Opuscula 2.

Mostert, Marco: "New Approches to Medieval Communication?" in Mostert, Marco: New Approaches to Medieval Communication, 1999. Brepols. ISBN:?2-503-50814-6. 15-37.

Parkes, M.B.: "The Literacy of the Laity" in Parkes, M.B.: Scribes, Scripts and Readers. Studies in the communication, presentation and dissemination of medieval texts , 1991. The Hamledon Press. ISBN:?1-83285-050-7. 275-297.

Baüml, Franz, H.: "Varieties and Consequences of Medieval Literacy and Illitercy" in Speculum, 1980. Medieval Academy of America. Vol 55, No 2, pp 237-265. Fulltekst.

Runic Inscriptions

A number of runic inscriptions selected by the teacher. These inscriptions have to be studied in detail.

Published Jan. 13, 2011 11:00 AM - Last modified Jan. 13, 2011 11:01 AM