Syllabus/achievement requirements

25th of August:

  • Almazan, Vincent. 1988 Translations at the Castilian and Norwegian courts in the thirteenth century: parallels and patterns. Medieval Scandinavia 12: 213-232. (19 p.)
  • Bagge. Sverre. 1993. The Norwegian Monarchy in the Thirteenth Century. In Kings and Kingships in Medieval Europe, edited by Anne J. Duggan, pp. 159-177. London. (18 p.)
  • Bagge, Sverre. 1999. The Scandinavian Kingdoms. In The New Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. 5, c. 1198-1300, edited by David Abulafia, pp. 720-742. Cambridge. (22 p.)
  • Barnes, Geraldine. 1975. The Riddaras?gur and medi?val European Literature. Medieval Scandinavia 8:140-158. (18 p.)
  • Jónas Kristjánsson. 1997. Sagas of Chivalry. In Eddas and Sagas. Iceland’s Medieval Literature. Translated by Peter Foote, pp. 311-341. Reykjavík. (30 p.)
  • Kalinke, Marianne. 1985. Norse Romance. In Old-Norse Icelandic Literature. A Critical Guide, edited by Carol J. Clover & John Lindow, pp. 316-364. Toronto Buffalo London (15 p. )

27th of August:

  • Nichols, Stephen. 1990. Introduction: Philology in a Manuscript Culture. Speculum 65(1):1-10. (10 p.)
  • Dagenais, John. 1991. The Bothersome Residue: Towards a Theory of the Physical Text. In Vox Intexta. Orality and Textuality in the Middle Ages, edited by A.N.Doane and Carol Braun Pasternack, pp. 246-262. Madison. (20 p.)
  • Fleischman, Suzanne. 1990. Philology, Linguistics, and the Discourse of the Medieval Text. Speculum 65(1): 19-37. (18 p.)
  • Minnis, A.J. 1984. Introduction. In Medieval Theory of Authorship. Scholastic literary attitudes in the later Middle Ages, pp. 1-8 Worcester. (8 p.)
  • Copeland, Rita. 1989. The fortunes of “non verbum pro verbum”: or why Jerome is not a Ciceronian. In The Medieval Translator. The Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages. Papers read at a conference held 20-23 August 1987, edited by Roger Ellis, pp. 15-35. Cambridge. (20 p.)
  • Copeland, Rita. 1991. Rhetoric, Hermeneutics and Translation in the Middle Ages. Cambridge. Pp. 1-8 (8 p.)
  • Venuti, Lawrence (ed). 2002. The Translation Studies Reader. (2 ed.) New York. Foundation Statements: (pp.11-20); Jerome Letter to Pammachius (pp.21-30). (18 p.)

Additional Reading:

  • Haugen, Odd Einar. 2004. Tekstkritikk og teksfilologi. In Handbok i norr?n filologi, edited by Odd Einar Haugen, pp. 81-118. Bergen. (37 p)

1st of September:

  • Munday Jeremy. 2001. Introducing Translation Studies. Theories and applications. London. Ch. 1. Main Issues of Translation Studies (pp.4-17); chapter 7. System theories (pp. 108-125) (30 p.)
  • Gideon, Toury. 1995. Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amsterdam. Part two: Ch.1 (pp. 23-39), ch. 2 (53-69); Part four (pp.259-279) (52 p.)
  • Venuti, Lawrence (ed). 2002. The Translation Studies Reader. (2 ed.) New York. Ch. 17: Itamar Even-Zohar The Position of Translated Literature within the Literary Polysystem (pp.199-204) (5 p.)

See also:

- Pym, Anthony. 1998. Method in Translation History. Manchester. Ch. 7. Norms and Systems (pp.106-124) (18 p.)

3rd of September:

  • Glauser, Jürg. 2007. Romance (Translated Ridderas?gur). In A Companion to Old Norse-Icelandic Literature and Culture, edited by Rory McTurk, pp. 272-387. Maldon, Oxford, Carlton. (15 p.)
  • Fidjest?l, Bjarne. 1997. Romantic Reading at the Court of H?kon H?konsson. In Selected Papers, edited by Odd Einar Haugen and Else Mundal, translated by Peter Foote, pp. 351-365. Odense. (15 p.)
  • Kalinke, Marianne. 1971. A structural Comparison of Chrétien de Troyes’ Erec et Enide and the Norse Erex saga. Medieval Scandinavia 4:54-65. (9 p.)
  • Glauser, Jürg. 2005. Staging the text. On the development of a consciousness of writing in the Norwegian and Icelandic literature of the Middle Ages. …
  • Hanna Steinunn Thorleifsdóttir. 2007. Dialogue in the Icelandic Copies of ?vens saga. In ?bersetzen im skandinavischen Mittelalter, edited by Vera Johanterwage and Stefanie Würth, pp. 167-176. Wien. (9 p.)

Additional Reading:

  • Zink, Georges. 1975. Les poèmes arthuriens dans les pays scandinaves. In Les Relations Littérarires Franco-Scandinaves au Moyen Age, pp. 77-95. Paris. (18 p.)
  • Halvorsen, Eyvind Fjeld. 1975. Problemes de la traduction scandinave des text francais du Moyen Age. In Les Relations Littérarires Franco-Scandinaves au Moyen Age, pp. 247-274. Paris. (27 p.)
  • Kj?r, Jonna .1996. La reception scandinave de la littérature courtoise et l’exemple de la Chanson de Roland/Af Rúnzivals bardaga: Une epopee féodale transformée en roman coutois? Romania 114:50-69. (19 p.)

The necessary curriculum for the seminars in weeks 36 and 37 on Breta s?gur, Elis saga, Veraldar Saga nd Kirialax saga will be distributed beforehand.

20th of October:

  • Coleman, Joyce. 1996. On beyond Ong: the bases of a revised theory of orality and literacy. In Public Reading and the Reading Public in Late Medieval England and France, pp. 1-33. Cambridge. (32 p.)
  • Green, D.H. 1994. Orality and Writing. In Medieval Listening and Reading. The Primary Reception of German Literature 800-1300, pp. 3-19. Cambridge. (16 p.)
  • Eriksen, Stefka G. 2009. Materiality of Elis saga. ANF 2009:69-88. (19 p.)

27th of October:

  • Deganais, John. 1994. Introduction. In The Ethics of Reading in Manuscript Culture. Glossing the Libro de buen amor, pp. 3-29. Princeton. (16 p.)
  • Carruthers, Mary. 1990. Memory and the Ethics of Reading. In The Book of Memory. A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture, pp. 156-189. Cambridge. (33 p.)

Published Aug. 18, 2010 12:30 PM - Last modified Aug. 18, 2010 1:03 PM