

Kramsch, C. (2009). The Multilingual Subject. Oxford: Oxford University press

(211 sider)

Norton, B. (2013). Identity and Language learning. Extending the Conversation. 2nd Edition. Multilingual matters.

(216 sider)

Bakgrunn: nye perspektiver i SLA

Firth, A. & Wagner, J. (1997). On Discourse, Communication, and (Some) Fundamental Concepts in SLA Research. The Modern Language Journal 81(iii), 285–300. (16 s.)

Kramsch, C. & Whiteside, A. (2007). Three Fundamental Concepts in Second Language Acquisition and Their Relevance in Multilingual Contexts. The Modern Language Journal 91, Focus Issue, 907–922 (16 s.)

Larsen-Freeman, D. (2015). Saying what we mean: Making a case for ‘language acquisition’ to become ‘language development’. Language Teaching 48, 491–505. (15 s.)

Sosiokulturell /sosialsemiotisk innfallsvinkel

Ahearn, L. (2001). Language and agency. Annual Review of Anthropology 30, 109–137. (29 s.)

Ivani?, R. & Camps, D. (2001). I am how I sound. Voice as self-representation in L2 writing. Journal of second language writing 10(1-2), 3–33. (31 s.)

Kognitiv innfallsvinkel

Bylund, E. & Jarvis, S. (2011). L2 effects on L1 events conceptualization, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 14 (1), Special Issue: Crosslinguistic Influence in bilinguals’ concepts and conceptualization, 47–59. (13 s.)

Jarvis, S. (2011). Conceptual transfer. Crosslinguistic effects in categorization and construal. Bilingulism: Language and Cognition 14(1), Special issue: Crosslinguistic influence in bilinguals’ concepts and conceptualizations, 1–8 (8 s.)

Kognitiv og sosiokulturell innfallsvinkel

Golden, A. & Lanza, E. (2013). Metaphors of culture: Identity construction in migrants’ narrative discourse. I Intercultural Pragmatics 10(2), 295–314.(20 s.)

?kologisk innfallsvinkel/Kompleksitetsteori

Kramsch, C. (2008). Ecological perspectives on foreign language education. Language Teaching 41(3), 389–408. (20 s.)

Larsen-Freeman, D. (1997). Chaos/Complexity Science and Second Language Acquisition. Applied Linguistics 18 (2), 141–165. (25 s.)


Sosiokulturell /sosialsemiotisk innfallsvinkel

J?lbo, I. (2014). Identitetskonstruksjoner i andrespr?kstekster til elever med somalisk spr?kbakgrunn. NORDAND 2014(2), 73–97. (25 s.)

Pavlenko, A. & Lantolf, J. P. (2000). Second language learning as participation and the (re)construction of selves. I: Lantolf, J. P. (ed.): Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning. Oxford University Press, 155–177. (23 s.)

Svendsen, B. A. (2006). Flerspr?klig identitet. I NORDAND 2006(2), 33–55. (23 s.)

Kognitiv innfallsvinkel

Cadierno, T. (2010). Motion in Danish as a Second Language: Does the Learner’s L1 Make a Difference? I: ZhaoHonh Han & Teresa Cadierno (eds.). Linguistic Relativity in SLA. Thinking for Speaking. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 1–33. (34 s.)

Holum, L. (2010). ? uttrykke bevegelse p? et andrespr?k. NOA norsk som andrespr?k 2, 30 s.

Kognitiv og Sosiokulturell innfallsvinkel

Lantolf, J. P. (2011). Integrating Sociocultural Theory and Cognitive Linguistics in the Second Language Classroom. I: Hinkel, E (ed.). Handbook of research in second language Teaching and Learning, 303–318. (16 s.)




Publisert 23. mai 2017 13:33 - Sist endret 2. aug. 2017 09:34