
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
18.01.2006Else Ryen? ? Andrespr?kstilegnelse? Towell & Hawkins: Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, kap. 1 - 2?
25.01.2005Anne Golden? ? L?rebokhistorie? Hvenekilde, Kompendium?
01.02.2006Anne Golden? ? L?rebokhistorie? Hvenekilde, Kompendium

Utlevering obligatorisk oppgave 1?

08.02.2006? ? ? Ingen undervisning


15.02.2006Else Ryen? ? Fokus p? form i kommunikativt basert andrespr?ksundervisning? Van Patten & Sanz: From Input to Output: Presenting Instruction and Communicative Tasks.

Swain & Lapkin: Focus on Form through Colloborative Dialogue.?

22.02.2006? ? ? Ingen undervisning?
01.03.2006Anne Golden? ? ? Muntlig presentasjon obligatorisk oppgave 1?
08.03.2006Else Ryen? ? Funksjonelt perspektiv p? andrespr?kstilegnelse? Holmen: Syntactic Development in Danish L2.

Lund: Communicative Function and Language-Specific Structure in Second Language Acquisition.


15.03.2006Else Ryen? ? Spr?ktilegnelse og spr?kpedagogikk? McDonough: Strategy and skill in learning a foreign language, s. 1 - 79 ?
22.03.2006Else Ryen? ? Spr?ktilegnelse og spr?kpedagogikk, forts.? McDonough: Strategy and skill in learning a foreign language, s. 80 - 140

Utlevering obligatorisk oppgave 2?

29.03.2006? ? ? Ingen undervisning


05.04.2006Anne Golden? ? ? Presentasjon obligatorisk oppgave 2?
12.04.2006? ? ? Ingen undervisning


19.04.2006Anne Golden? ? Sosiokulturelle perspektiver p? utvikling av skriftspr?klige ferdigheter? Boyd & Nauiclèr: Sociocultural aspects of bilingual narrative development in Sweden.

Hinkel: Objectivity and Credibility in L1 and L2 Acamedic Writing.

Kachru: Culture, Context and Writing. ?

26.04.2006Anne Golden? ? Variabel kompetanse? Gregg: The Variabel Competence Model of Second Language Aquisition and Why It Isn't.

Ellis: A Response to Gregg.

Tarone: On Variation in Interlanguage. A response to Gregg.

Towell & Hawkins: Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, kap. 3?

03.05.2006kollokvium? ? Spr?ktilegnelsesteori? Towell & Hawkins: Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, kap. 4 - 5


10.05.2006Liv Jorunn Bakkejord? ? Kompetanse og strategier? Riley: Developmental Sociolinguistics and the Competence / Performance Distinction.

Rampton: A Sociolinguistic Perspective on L2 Communication Strategies.

Yule & Tarone: Investigating Communication Strategies in L2 Reference: Pros and Cons.?

Publisert 13. des. 2005 14:11 - Sist endret 26. apr. 2006 17:36