Syllabus/achievement requirements

Primary texts (films):

Andersson, Roy: Songs from the Second Floor (Sånger från andra våningen) (2000)

Jensen, Knut Erik: Cool and Crazy (Heftig og begeistret) (2001)

Johnsen, Sara: Upperdog (2009)

Kaurismäki, Aki: The Man without a Past (Mies vailla menneisyyttä) (2002)

Leth, Jørgen & Lars von Trier: The Five Obstructions (De fem benspænd) (2003)

Metz, Janus: Armadillo (2011)

Olin, Margreth: Raw Youth (Ungdommens råskap) (2004)

Poppe, Erik: Troubled Water (DeUsynlige) (2008)

Robsahm, Thomas et al.: Utopia – Nobody is Perfect in the Perfect Country (Folk flest bor i Kina) (2002)

Trier, Joachim: Oslo, 31. August (Oslo, 31. august) (2011)

Øvredal, Andre: The Troll Hunter (Trolljegeren) (2010)

Zaman, Hisham: Winterland (Vinterland) (2006)

Articles (articles marked with an asterisk are in the course reader):

Bordwell, David & Kristin Thompson. "Ch. 8: Documentary". In: Film Art: An Introduction. 7th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill 2004: 128-46.*

Christensen, Claus. "Documentary Gets the Dogme Treatment". Film#19, pp. 28-30.

Dancus, Adriana Margareta. "Film and Pathoscapes: A Study of Upperdog (Sara Johnsen, 2009)". Manuscript submitted for publication; forthcoming.

Freud, Sigmund. “Mourning and Melancholia”. In: The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, vol. 14 (trans. James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud, assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson). London: Hogarth Press, 1953-: 239-58.

Hjort, Mette. ”From Epiphanic Culture to Circulation: The Dynamics of Globalization in Nordic Cinema”. In: Andrew Nestingen and Trevor G. Elkington (eds.): Transnational Cinema in a Global North, Nordic Cinema in Transition. Detroit: Wayne State University Press 2005: 191-218.*

Iversen, Gunnar. “The Old Wave: Material History in Cool and Crazy and the New Norwegian Documentary”. In: Claire Thomson (ed.): Northern Constellations. New Readings in Nordic Cinema. Norwich: Norvik Press 2006: 175-88.*•

Koivunen, Anu. “Do You Remember Monrépos? Melancholia, Modernity and Working-Class Masculinity in The Man Without a Past”. In: Claire Thomson (ed.): Northern Constellations. New Readings in Nordic Cinema. Norwich: Norvik Press 2006: 133-48.*

Lindqvist, Ursula. "Roy Andersson’s Cinematic Poetry and The Specter of César Vallejo". Scandinavian-Canadian Studies / Etudes scandinaves au Canada. 19(Special issue on Nordic cinema)2010: 200-229. Can be downloaded from:

Oxfeldt, Elisabeth. "Literary Intertextuality in Harald Rosenløw Eeg and Erik Poppe's deUSYNLIGE. Edda 1/10: 64-80. Can be downloaded from a UiO-computer at:

Plantinga, Carl. "Emotion and Affect". In: Paisley Livingston and Carl Plantinga (eds.):


Ponech, Trevor. "Work and Play: The 5-0 Game". In: Mette Hjort (ed.): Dekalog. On the Five Obstructions. London: Wallflower 2008: 76-94.*

Rees, Ellen. "Norwave: Norwegian Cinema 1997-2006". Scandinavian-Canadian Studies Vol. 19 (2010): 88-110.

Rees, Ellen. “Personal Ideology and Collective Cinema: Folk flest bor i Kina and Contemporary Norwegian Political Consciousness”. In: Claire Thomson (ed.): Northern Constellations. New Readings in Nordic Cinema. Norwich: Norvik Press 2006: 97-110.*

Rees, Ellen. "Trolls, Monster Masts and National Neurosis: André Øvrelid's The Troll Hunter." Scandinavica 50.2 (2011): 52-62.

Sim, Gerald. "A Gray Zone between Documentary and Fiction: Interview with Janus Metz". Film Quarterly. 1/2011: 17-24.

Soila, Tytti, Astrid Söderbergh Widding and Gunnar Iversen. “ Film Production as a National Project”. Introduction to: Nordic National Cinemas. London: Routledge 1998: 1-6.*

Sontag, Susan. "In Plato's Cave". In: On Photography. New York: Anchor Books Doubleday 1990: 3-24.

Wright, Rochelle. “’Immigrant Film’ in Sweden at the Millennium”. In: Andrew Nestingen and Trevor G. Elkington (eds.): Transnational Cinema in a Global North, Nordic Cinema in Transition. Detroit: Wayne State University Press 2005: 55-72.*

Published Oct. 3, 2012 2:46 PM - Last modified May 10, 2013 2:16 PM