Syllabus/achievement requirements


Trier, Lars von: The Five Obstructions (De fem bensp?nd, 2003) (DVD)

Skjoldbj?rg, Eirik: An Enemy of the People (En folkefiende, 2005) (DVD)

Trier, Joachim: Reprise (2006) (DVD)

Bier, Susanne: In a Better World (H?vnen, 2010) (DVD)

Vinterberg, Thomas: The Hunt (Jagten, 2012) (DVD)

Haq, Iram: What Will People Say (Hva vil folk si, 2017) (DVD will be made available)

Kaurism?ki, Aki: The Other Side of Hope (Toivon tuolla puolen, 2017) (DVD)

?stlund, Ruben: Force Majeure (Turist, 2014) (DVD)

Trotta, Margarethe von. Searching for Ingmar Bergman (2019) (DVD)

Haugerud, Dag Johan: Beware of Children (Barn, 2019) (DVD)



Bordwell, David, Kristin Thompson and Jeff Smith. 2020. Film Art: An Introduction. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education

Articles in the course reader (kompendium):

Digital course Reader (requires login):


Bordwell, David. 2002. “The art cinema as a mode of film practice.” In The European Cinema Reader, edited by Catherine Fowler, 94–102. London: Routledge.

Corrigan, Timothy. 2015. “Approaches to Writing about Film.” Chap. 4 of A Short Guide to Writing about Film, 100–125. 9th ed. Essex: Pearson.

Hjort, Mette. 2006. "Gifts, games, and cheek: counter-globalisation in a privileged small-nation context. The case of The five obstructions". In Northern Constellations: New Readings in Nordic Cinema, 111–129. Thomson, Claire (ed.). Norwich: Norvik Press. 2006.

Nestingen, Andrew, and Trevor G. Elkington. “Introduction: Transnational Nordic Cinema." In Transnational Cinema in a Global North: Nordic Cinema in Transition, edited by Andrew Nestingen, and Trevor G. Elkington, 1–16. Detroit: Wayne State University Press 2005: 191-218.

Oxfeldt, Elisabeth. 2016. “The Privileged Human: Global Inequity in J?rgen Leth and Lars von Trier's De fem bensp?nd.” ("The Five Obstructions"). In Perspectives on the Nordic, edited by Bente Larsen, and Jakob Lothe, 55–71. Oslo: Novus Forlag.

Rees, Ellen. 2015. “The Nordic Quirky ‘Feel-Good’”, In Nordic Genre Film: Small Nation Film Cultures in the Global Marketplace, edited by Pietari K??p?, and Tommy Gustavsson, 147–158. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Soila, Tytti, Astrid S?derbergh Widding and Gunnar Iversen. 1998 “Introduction: film production as a national project.” In Nordic National Cinemas, edited by Tytti Soila, Astrid S?derbergh Widding and Gunnar Iversen, 1–6. London: Routledge.

Volquardsen, Ebbe. 2013. “Scandinavia and “the Land of UnSwedish Freedom”. Jonathan Franzen, Susanne Bier and Self-conceptions of Exceptionalism in Crisis.” In Crisis in the Nordic Nations and Beyond: At the Intersection of Environment, Finance and Multiculturalism, edited by Kristín Loftsdóttir, and Lars Jensen, 31–50. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Articles published online/in journals accessible via the UiO network:

Agger, Gunhild. 2015. "Strategies in Danish Film Culture – and the Case of Susanne Bier." Kosmorama #259 

Birkvad, S?ren. 2019. “In search of the antagonist: On inner struggles and soft parental power in Joachim Trier’s films.” In Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 9 (2): 203–210.

Engelstad, Audun. 2019. “The concept of time in Joachim Trier’s Reprise.” In Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 9 (2): 197–202.

Erkiaga, Luis Sáenz de Viguera. 2018. “Sacrificial victim: taking the nation apart in Thomas Vinterberg’s The Hunt.” Studies in European Cinema 15 (2–3): 162–179.

Gjelsvik, Anne. 2019. “Openings and closures. Mental health in Joachim Trier’s cinematic universe”. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 9 (1): 75–88.

Gjelsvik, Anne. 2019. “In Focus: Joachim Trier.” Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 9 (2): 191-196.

Hjort, Mette and Ursula Lindqvist. 2016. A Companion to Nordic Cinema. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.

Jerslev, Anne. 2019. “Joachim Trier’s close-ups and autonomous moments.” Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 9 (2): 219–225.

Moffat, Kate. 2016. “From imperfect strangers to new citizens: Screening race and ethnicity in Nordic film history.” Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 6 (3): 225–233.

Myrstad, Anne Marit. 2019. “Soft strength, mild mystery: Female characters in the films of Joachim Trier.” Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 9 (2): 211–218.

Orange, Michelle. 2015. “Broken Contracts: Force Majeure.” Film Comment 51 (1).

Porton, Richard. 2014. “Winter of Discontent: An Interview with Ruben ?stlund.” Cineaste 40 (1): 38–42.

Rees, Ellen. “Norwave: Norwegian Cinema 1997-2006”. Scandinavian-Canadian Studies / ?tudes Scandinaves au Canada Vol. 19 (2010): 88-110.

Sepp?l?, Jaakko. 2016. “Doing a lot with little: The camera’s minimalist point of view in the films of Aki Kaurism?ki.” Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 6 (1): 5–23.

Smaill, Belinda. 2014. “The Male Sojourner, the Female Director, and Popular European Cinema: The Worlds of Susanne Bier.” Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies 29 (1 (85)): 5–31.

Smith, Greg M. 2001. “'It's Just a Movie': A Teaching Essay for Introductory Media Classes.” Cinema Journal 41 (1): 127–134.

Tommaso, Tocci. 2019. “A giant fresco on the wall of contemporary life: Barn.” In Montage,

W?rp, Lisbeth Pettersen. 2014. “The play-within-the-film: Peer Gynt in Skjolbj?rg’s En folkefiende (A Public Enemy, 2004)” In Nordlit (34): Ibsen and World Drama(s).

Additional tools/resources:

Bordwell, David. 2016. “Open secrets of classical storytelling: Narrative analysis 101.” David Bordwell's website on cinema, January 11, 2016.


Published Oct. 14, 2019 9:05 AM - Last modified May 28, 2020 5:22 PM